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  Dmitry Epifanov's Blog
The MSU championship2008-03-31 18:51:10
The first MSU (Moscow State University) Championship is on the way. It seems that A.Leshukova is going to be the first MSU Champion.

Nastya has almost gained the title but in the last game she made a dramatic mistake against Mikhail Shakhov thus loosing the first place. So the ...
Ando Meritee2008-03-31 20:19:13
Nice! Who are the other players? Any game records to see?
Dmitry Epifanov2008-03-31 22:07:11
There were 10 players, most of them are novices, except Anastasya, Tarasevich Stepan and me. We expected A. Ritter to take part in this event, but he had no time for it, such a pity.

Anyway, when the event will be ended, I'll create a tournament, provide a result table and upload several games.

Hope that the next year tournament will collect more MSU graduates and affiliates. There is quite a lot of top-players who studied here, such as M.Kozhin, P.Makarov, Yu.Tarannikov, V.Balabhai and so on.
Ants Soosõrv2008-04-02 14:38:06
Privet Dima! My congratulations and best wishes to Nastya! Please tell to Nastya and other students to take part in Youth WC 2008 in Estonia!
Dmitry Epifanov2008-04-02 17:59:23
Hello, Ants!

We are thinking about that. Maybe some players will take part in this event, but it is the future... and this future is yet so far =)
Dmitry Epifanov2008-05-10 07:02:53
The topic was updated. MSU championship was shared by two persons with equal results - Sergey Makarov and me, Dmitry Epifanov.

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