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  Ando Meritee's Blog
Ando's TWC Comments2008-04-28 19:14:09
In this blog article, I present my analyses about the games and the tournament situation of Team World Championship 2008. I will keep appending more analyses to this article each day, so please come back and visit this page again every day. :)


Ukraine - ...
Ando Meritee2008-04-29 14:58:18
I have just added a few more comments about the first round, and also wrote more detailed thoughts about the 2nd round. Welcome to read. :)
Dmitry Epifanov2008-05-01 01:30:20
I don't expect gambling style from that round, especially because Estonian players usually do not gamble in important games, and Russian players do not dare to gamble against Estonia because the Estonian players know the answers to their tricks.

Hmm. Me too. I didn't expect gambling style too. Because Russian players usually do not gamble in important games, and Estonian players do not dare to gamble against Russia because Russian players know the answers to their tricks.

Maybe this one is more polit, how do you think? (-;
Ando Meritee2008-05-01 01:36:27
Maybe you can look at the history of TWC games, especially TWC 2004, then you know what I mean. You can see so many i6 opening tricks, etc. Our team was back them watching with pain how the Russian team collected easy points from those gambling variants as white against other teams, while the whole our team knew the answers to those variants. But when they played against us, they chose serious variants.
Ants Soosõrv2008-05-01 01:38:36
Yes, Ando, i will try to forget that i am so stupid, at least till the end of TWC :). I cant explain why i didnt see so easy defence with almost  40 sec left...
Ando Meritee2008-05-01 01:40:55
Ants, I am confident Estonia will become the World Champion!! You deserve this title more than anyone! Especially after so many years you have contributed to renju study and development!
Ando Meritee2008-05-01 01:42:05
And you have a great tie-break coefficient advantage - in case of equal points, Estonia wins the tournament.
Andry2008-05-01 17:15:53
unfortunately we didnt had no theory book about that 4th move..and I wasted my time studying other "halyava" variations...I just hoped that Wu Di played good fifth moves in the game against Ishitani..but fortunately the 8th move transisted  to i9...and I already lost in this position against Iio in A-tournament so of course i knew the win there now:D..I think the best 8th move was i8 and then my plan was to take k6 point and try to play positionally.
Ando Meritee2008-05-01 20:32:03
Andry you did well, I had confidence in you that you would come out from this difficult situation!! Well done!
Fredrik2008-05-03 01:48:42
Just want to send a big Thank You to Ando for all the game comments, especially the last round was very exciting to follow! It was appreciated!

And congratulations to Estonia!
bentley2008-06-29 01:11:57
where can we see teh games? are they published here?
Ando Meritee2008-06-29 04:25:16
Of course, you can find them here. :) Just check the Games section of this website, and search for Team World Championship. All the games are there.

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