The Protocol of General Assembly 2011 August 7, 2011, Huskvarna, Sweden 1. Peter Jonsson opened the General Assembly 2011. 2. Peter Jonsson was elected to be the chairman of GA 2011. 3. Ales Rybka was elected to be the secretary of GA 2011. 4. Nikonov, Soosorv, Malowiejski were elected to check the protocol. 5. Lin, Huan, Hou were elected to count votes. 6. The agenda was approved. Mr. Huan would like to change the renju rules, he was informed that this will be decided during next GA. Mr. Kawamura is complaining about GA agenda, which is sent to RIF members too close to prior to GA . The agenda is discussed in May in Japan and then they are not able to take a proper decision. The deadline should be the end of April for sending GA agenda in a case of World Championship or 3 months prior to GA (other cases like TWC). In this case Piotr Malowiejski is offering to add a new point for agenda for the future, he calls it „Other point“, where would be possible to add new proposals even later. Next GA would be in Beijing. 7. Roll call – right for voting : Poland – Malowiejski, Czech – Rybka, Estonia – Soosorv, Russia – Nikonov, Japan – Kawamura, Chinese Taipei – Lin, China – Cao, Sweden – Jonsson 8. No new members are interested in joining RIF. 9. The president had not time to prepare a report due to his WC duties. But he mentioned, that the most important thing was reprinting Sakata book, it might a beginning for such activities. Sweden, Chinese Taipei, Russia, Poland have already bought a lot of books so the invested money will be brought back to RIF. Stefan Karlsson prepared a financial report and everyone got a printed paper to read it. RIF seems to be in a stable situation. Before this report some member fees were not paid, that’s why Profit/Loss in red numbers. The members turned to the second page and Stefan Karlsson continues with reporting. He is also talking about interests, accounts, youth fund. Then members turned to the third page. Eventually Stefan Karlsson is persuaded that the numbers look good. Mr. Nikonov is interested in renjuclass and Aivo Oll answers, that renjuclass has not worked anymore and that’s why might be removed. Piotr Malowiejski is asking why countries like Canada are in the list of nations. Stefan Karlsson is answering that it is due to historical records but countries which do not pay are not listed in. Ales Rybka read the audit’s report. 10. None complains about a work of Central Committee (CC) but Aivo Oll mentioned that CC is not so active lately. CC‘s work was aprroved because none was against. 11. The fees are sufficient because RIF is not aiming to make a business. Stefan Karlsson offers to aim for balanced budget. Mr. Kawamura asked if it was possible to establish a german renju federation. He was answered that if he fulfills the rules and pays the fee, he can join. The site „renjuclass“ is not active at all and ORC server has a troubles with a connection even if it is used for playing. Ants Soosorv offers no to pay for renjuclass. Peter Jonsson offers this sentence: We remove renjuclass from the budget but if we see that someone works it to make again we can add it back to the budget. Membership fees – 200 euro for founding members, 50 euro for others. The budget and membership fees were aprroved. 12. Peter Jonsson is approved to be a chairman of CC. He also announced that he is not going to be the swedish chairman anymore. He will be replaced by Bengt Asplund. Mr. Salnikov resigned the position Vice President, Russia asks to replace him by Dmitry Epifanov and China asks Na Wei to be the 4th Vice President. Piotr Malowiejski pointed the RIF status where is written that CC can have just 3 vice presidents. But Peter Jonsson is sure that this point has been changed before. The members: Anders Henningson, Dmitry Epifanov, Mr. Kawamura are agreed to be a vice president by all members. Chinese Taipei, Sweden and Russia vote for Mr. Na Wai. Mr. Kawamura pointed that RIF CHINA is somehow unpredictible and unstable and before election of Na Wei he would like to be sure by RIF CHINA. Peter Jonsson and Aivo Oll cleared why Na Wei should be elected and then he was agreed to be a Vice President. Stefan Karlsson was agreed to be a treasurer. Ants Sossyrv was agreed to be a secretary. 13. TWC 2012 – China has applied to organize it. Aivo Oll wants to get a date when all needed information will be announced. The members of GA agreed that the right to approve TWC was given to CC, the decision has to be made until September 1st. Ants Soosorv offers to separate Gomoku and Renju European Championship. European RIF members agree to split it. Russia proposes August 2012 for renju EC, but final decision will be taken later by CC. Ales Rybka offers to organize Gomoku Team EC, this will be decided by CC, Hungary will announce if it can organize it until December 1st. Czech Republic will be backup. CC will take decision about YWC at the latest October 1st. Concerning WC 2013, it will be decided later by CC at the latest December 31st. Candidates for WC 2013 must apply for that at the latest December 1st. 14. Sport commission was reported by Stefan Karlsson. They take care of thetournament rules which is still challenging, also they take care of announcing tournaments at in advance. He offers that CC should approve the tournament rules offered by SC because it seems to be easier to put into practice then. Youth Commission by Ants Soosorv. It is still active and he is very happy that Youth Fund is still supported by Japan. Piotr Malowiejski offers to publish more info about YF to get more money. Gomoku Committee by Ants Soosorv. Ants Soosorv resigned. Piotr Malowiejski offers to change the committee to make it better. Ales Rybka offers that he and Piotr Malowiejski will prepare a proposal concerning by GC. Asian Committee – no activity. Corespondence Commission – the report was read by Peter Jonsson, it will be attached. Rules Committee – big task for next year. Aivo Oll thinks that all current rules are not good at all. He is going to find a longterm rule. Translate Committee – no activity. Internet Committee – no activity. PR Committee – it seems that it is active somehow. Peter Jonsson offers to gather all email addresses by all committee members. 15. For SC Aivo Oll was elected to be the chairman, other members: Iio, Salnikov, Chen Wei, Soosorv, Rybka, Malowiejski and Karlsson. Youth Committee – Ants Soosorv was agreed to be the chairman, other members: Metreveli, Okabe, Ono, Poghosyan, Yin Licheng Gomoku Committe – Ales Rybka was agreed to be the chairman, other members: Jonsson, Eged, Okabe, Sviridov, Lu Weiyuan, Demján, Malowiejski, Soosorv. Corespondence Committee – Dmitry Epifanov was agreed to be the chairman, other members: Balanova and Serdyuk. Referee Committee – CC sets up the members of this committee at the latest September 1st. Rules Committee – Peter Jonsson was agreed to be the chairman, other members: Kawamura, Oll, Okabe, Kozhin, Chen Wei (?), Tarannikov. Translate Committe – Aivo Oll will take care of it. Internet Committee – Ando Meritte and Sun Lijing. PR Committee – it will be told before September 1st. Qualification Committee – Bengt Asplund was elected to be the chairman, other members: Serdyuk, Epifanov. 16. Aivo talked about VETO changes as it was proposed in agenda. Piotr Malowiejski supported him. Peter Jonsson explained why VETO system was developed. Mr. Kawamura pointed out that the agenda was not discussed in Japan and he would like to postpone the decision. Mr. Nikonov thinks that it is too early to change the system and he would like to get focussed on other important thing like tournament rules and Russia simply needs more time to take a decision. There were more ideas how to solve the situation. Peter Jonsson offers to move the VETO point in the end of agenda and if any VETO will not be used, then it will be add to next GA as the first point. 17. Concerning chinese rule proposal , this rule must be better prepared by RIF China and definitely must meet the current RIF criterias for the openinings (e.g. starting from the middle). CC will take the decision at the latest November 1st. 17.8 It will be checked by QC and consult with RIF China. 17.9 This was investigated 2 years ago and due to input criterias (fee 2600 euro and 40 countries at least) it seems to be impossible to join the World Sports Federation. 18. The russian proposal concerning rules development was agreed. 19. Aivo Oll’s proposal: A creating Players Council can gather players from the whole world (=database) and later work with such database might be useful for next development gomoku and renju. Aivo Oll will be responsible for this task. 20. CC got the right to decide about proposals done by Sport Committee concerning tournament rules. Then Peter Jonsson thanked to everyone for their participation in GA and he concluded the GA, the GA last almost 4 hours. |