The Protocol of General Assembly 2007 14.08.2007, Tyumen, Russia 1. Opening of the General Assembly - The meeting started 16:17. 2. Election of the Chairman of the General Assembly – Peter Jonsson was elected as chairman. 3. Election of the Secretary for the General Assembly – Marcus Eriksson was elected as secretary. 4. Election of three persons who should check the protocol – Hiroshi Okabe, Alexander Litvinenko and Ants Soosõrv were elected. 5. Election of three scrutineers who should count the votes, if necessary – Stefan Karlsson, Hiroshi Okabe and Aivo Oll were elected. 6. Approval of the agenda - The proposed agenda was approved with the addition of points 17 and 18. 7. Roll call: Chinese Taipei (Lin Huang-Yu), Chech (Ales Rybka, through Peter Jonsson), Japan (Hiroshi Okabe), Russia (Vladimir Sushkov), Sweden (Peter Jonsson), Estonia (Ants Soosõrv), Finland (Jussi Ikonen), China (Qiu Yunfei). 8. Adoption of new members, if any - No new members this year. 9. Reports from President, Treasurer and Auditor - The reports were given at the previous discussions. 10. Approval of the vork of the Central Committee - The Central Committee's work was approved. 11. Budget and membership fees - Stefan Karlsson suggests changing from USD to EUR, keeping the same numbers. This will mean a raise. The new fee will be valid from january 1 2008. Founder members pay 200 EUR and other countries pay 50 EUR. AGREED 12. Election of the central committee - Norohiko Kawamura, Pavel Salnikov and Anders Henningson will continue as vice presidents. Peter Jonsson will continue as president. Stefan Karlsson will continue as treasurer. Ants Soosõrv will continue as secretary. Na Wei will be an additional member of the central committee. 13. Decision of the place for future RIF official championships
14. Reports from the Commissions 15. Election of the Commissions
16. Future renju rules - Voting for which opening rule to be the preferred new opening rule was made according to the principle that all nations had the right to give 3, 2 and 1 points to three different opening rules. After each voting round the rule(s) with the lowest points was/were excluded. The voting results from each round is shown below.
In the final voting, rule number 4 got five votes. Rule number 1 got three votes. It was decided not to let rule number 4 be the official RIF opening rule and not to try rule number 4 in Team World Championship 2008.
17. Statement from Stefan Karlsson about qualification - ”However, this national place will not add to the maximum of three places for a member country or to the maximum of one place for a non-member country.” will be added to the Sports Commission qualification rules for the World Championship. 18. Monetary support for email world championship - 500 SEK will be used for fixing nice diplomas and sending them by (ordinary) mail. 19. Meeting closed - The meeting ended at 18:23. Chairman Peter Jonsson Secretary Marcus Eriksson Hiroshi Okabe Alexander Litvinenko Ants Soosõrv |