The Protocol of Extra General Assembly 2006 5.05.2006, Tallinn, Estonia 1. The meeting was opened by the RIF President Peter Jonsson. 2. Peter Jonsson was elected chairman of the meeting. 3. Stefan Karlsson was elected secretary of the meeting. 4. Three persons were selected for checking the protocol: Hiroshi Okabe (Japan), Samuli Saarenpää (Finland) and Chen Wei (China). 5. Same persons as in point 4 above were selected as scrutineers who should count the votes. 6. The agenda was approved with the addition of three items: a. Information about Youth Fund – Ants Soosõrv Also it was decided that under point no. 10, new opening rules, it will be added a voting between the proposed new opening rule versus the present opening rule. This voting must be with qualified majority (at least 67% of the votes) for the new opening rule to take effect. 7. Roll call: a. China – Chen Wei 8. There were no application from new member countries to be processed. 9. The President informed with help from chairman of the Rules commission, Ando Meritee, about the work done so far concerning new opening rules. The treasurer informed about a stable economy according to budget. 10. 1st: Rule 4=12 points, Rule 5=10 points, Rule 29=8 points, Rule 2=6 points, Rule 31=4 points. These 5 rules went to 2nd voting. Rule 1 and 9 got 1 point, others got 0. 2nd: Rule 4=12 points, Rule 5=12 points, Rule 29=8 points, Rule 2=6 points, Rule 31=4 points. Rule 31 was excluded. 3rd: Rule 5=14 points, Rule 4= 12 points, Rule 29=10 points, Rule 2=6 points. Rule 2 was excluded. 4th: Rule 5=17points, Rule 4= 13 points, Rule 29=12 points. Rule 29 was excluded. Final: Rule 5=4 votes (Japan, Russia, China and Sweden), Rule 4= 3 votes (Estonia, Czech Republic and Finland). b. Voting between the preferred new opening rule no. 5 was made versus the present opening rule. The new opening rule was the winner with 5 votes (Russia, Estonia, Czech Republic, Finland and Sweden), versus 2 (Japan and China) for the present rule. Meaning more than 67% of the votes for rule no. 5 and thereby chosen as the new opening rule. c. Japan, as one of the three founder members, used their veto to forbid the change to a new opening rule. However, Japan stated that they will discuss the present situation in Nihon Renju Sha, the Japanese Renju Federation, and give a statement at latest the 30th of June if they will take away their veto or keeping it. 11. The meeting decided to discuss what happens if Japan will take away the veto and the above mentioned new opening rules will be valid. a. The following coming tournaments will be played with present opening rules: i. Asia Open Championship 2006 in Korea b. The following tournaments will be played with new opening rules: i. European Championship 2006 c. During the period 2006-07-01—2007-06-30 other tournaments will be decided by the organizers if using the present- or the decided new opening rule. d. Rules Commission will make evaluation of the new opening rule in the meaning checking for problems in the new opening rule. If Rules Commission finds some important problem with the new opening rule they will report this to Central Committee not later than the 31st of March 2007. e. From 2007-07-01 only the decided new opening rule will be used. f. All games played between dan-players from sanctioned tournaments should be documented and published at the RIF homepage not later than 4 weeks from the end date of the tournament. This point, 11 f, is valid also if Japan will not take away their veto. 12. If Japan will not take away their veto the present opening rules will remain as the only opening rule, and the work of the Rules Commission will continue. From now on the following members are elected to the Rules Commission: Peter Jonsson, Sweden (Chairman) 13. Other items a. Ants Soosõrv informed about the Youth fund with the purpose to help youngsters with travel expenses etc for joining renju tournaments. Was decided that information about the Youth fund will be available on the RIF homepage. b. Jussi Ikonen informed that he has registrated the web-site ‘’ and asked for ideas to use the page. c. Regarding european renju Ales Rybka added that he has ideas of starting a “Euroleague” for renju from November this year. There is a team tournament on internet, played on the site Kurnik, “Euroleague” for gomoku, which is quite popular. This can be a way of making renju more popular in Europe. d. Stefan Karlsson mentioned that tournaments until August 2006 are published on the RIF homepage. i. Were also discussions about European Championship since Poland confirmed during the meeting that they will not be able to hold the European Championship as earlier planned. Ales Rybka mentioned that he will check the possibilities for Czech Republic and report back to Sports Commission. 14. Peter Jonsson declared the meeting closed. Tallinn 2006-05-05, Stefan Karlsson Peter Jonsson Checking of protocol: Hiroshi Okabe, Samuli Saarenpää, Chen Wei |