Renju News Page

Latest news February - June 1996

June 14, 1996

Fem I Rad - The Swedish Renju Magazine - No 1 1996 is now published.

Link to The Electronic Fem I Rad No 1 1996.

The paper version of this magazine is not yet published.

June 3, 1996

Results from the Swedish renju tournament "Juniaden", played in Stockholm, on June 1st 1996

35 players took part in the 7 round tournament. Petter Gardström was the winner after having beaten Göran Holgersson in the last round. Petter lost no games, but played draw with Anders Bertilsson and Tommy Pettersson.

 1. Petter Gardström, Uppsala      6  points
 2. Göran Holgersson, Jönköping    6
 3. Stefan Karlsson, Jönköping     5,5
 4. Anders Bertilsson, Högsjö      5
 5. Tord Andersson, Uppsala        5
 6. Hannes Hermansson, Högsjö      5
 7. Peder Svensson, Jönköping      5
 8. Tommy Pettersson, Högsjö       4,5
 9. Peter Jonsson, Jönköping       4,5
10. Björn Wallgren, Härnösand      4,5
11. Kristian Gustafsson, Jönköping 4
12. Michael Sjöberg, Högsjö        4
13. Marcus Eriksson, Högsjö        4
14. Axel Weyler, Stockholm         4 

June 2, 1996

One photo from the Swedish Championship

From left Hannes Hermansson, winner of B-Final, and Stefan Karlsson, winner of A-Final.

11 photos from the World Team Championship in S:t Petersburg

Here are 11 photos from the World Team Championships in S:t Petersburg. Soon I hope to give you also the names of the players on each photo.

Photo 1
Photo 2
Photo 3
Photo 4
Photo 5
Photo 6
Photo 7
Photo 8
Photo 9
Photo 10
Photo 11

Peter Jonsson goes to China again

Last autumn Peter Jonsson (The General Secretary of RIF and the President of the Swedish Renju Association) went to China to meet the Chinese Renjuplayers. On July 19-26 this year he will go to China again. This time Richard Johannesson will follow him.
May 27, 1996

More information from S:t Petersburg Tournament and General Assembly

In S:t Petersburg it was decided that the new international opening rule for renju will be used for the first time in the Karepa International Tournament in August. However, the Youth World Championship in August will be the last international tournament using the old opening rules.

1st WORLD TEAM CHAMPIONSHIP. S.-Petersburg 29.04 - 4.05.1996.

                   Gr.  A

                      1       2       3
1       SWEDEN              3   3  2,5  2    10,5      63
  1 Karlsson S.             1   1   0   0     2
  2 Gardstrom P.            1      0,5 0,5    2
  3 Holgersson G.           1   1   1   1     4
  4 Bertilsson A.           0   0             0
  R Johannesson R.              1   1  0,5   2,5
2       ARMENIA     1   1           1  0,5   3,5    35,75
  1 Pogosyan A.     0   0           0   0     0
  2 Saakian T.      0   0           0   0     0
  3 Grigorian N.    0   0           1   0     1
  R Voskanian E.    1   1           0  0,5   2,5
3       LATVIA     1,5  2   3  3,5           10     62,75
  1 Reims A.        1   1   1   1             4
  2 Veidemanis A.  0,5 0,5  1   1             3
  3 Gurckis G.      0   0   0   1             1
  4 Balanova E.     0  0,5  1  0,5            2

                      Gr. B

                    1       2       3       4
1       CHINA             0   0   1   0   0   1     2      29,5
  1 Na Wei                0   0   0   0   0   0     0
  2 Deng Jing-Hui         0   0   0   0   0   1     1
  3 Du Yu                 0   0   1   0   0   0     1
  4                       -   -   -   -   -   -
2      RUSSIA     4   4          3,5  2   2   1    16,5   130,75
  1 Iljin D.          1           1   0   0   0     2
  2 Peskov S.     1   1          0,5      1   0    3,5
  3 Sinyov I.     1               1   1   0   0     3
  4 Nikonov K.    +   +           1   1   1         5
  R Kozhin M.     1   1               0       1     3
3       JAPAN     3   4  0,5  2           0   1    10,5   74,25
  1 Nara H.       1   1   0   1           0   0     3
  2 Hasegava K.   1   1  0,5  1           0   1    4,5
  3 Iwata A.          1       0           0   0     1
  4 Adachi Y.     +   +   0   0           0   0     2
  R Suzuki J.     0       0                         0
4      ESTONIA    4   3   2   3   4   3             19     170
  1 Meritee A.    1   1   1   1   1   1             6
  2 Soosyrv A.    1   0   0   1   1   0             3
  3 Tuvikene M.   1   1   1   1   1   1             6
  4 Kolk M.       +   +   0   0   1   1             4



       SWEDEN      -  RUSSIA   0:4
  1 Karlsson S.    -  Iljin D.     0-1
  2 Gardstrom P.   -  Kozhin M.    0-1
  3 Holgersson G.  -  Sinyov I.    0-1
  4 Johannesson R. -  Nikonov K.   0-1

       RUSSIA   -   SWEDEN   3:1
  1 Iljin D.    -   Karlsson S.    0,5-0,5
  2 Peskov S.   -   Gardstrom P.   0,5-0,5
  3 Sinyov I.   -   Johannesson R.   1-0
  4 Nikonov K.  -   Bertilsson A.    1-0

      ESTONIA   -  LATVIA   2,5:1,5 
  1 Meritee A.  -  Reims A.      0,5-0,5
  2 Soosyrv A.  -  Veidemanis A.   1-0
  3 Tuvikene M. -  Gurckis G.      1-0
  4 Kolk M.     -  Balanova E.     0-1

      LATVIA      - ESTONIA   2,5:1,5
  1 Reims A.      - Meritee A.     0-1
  2 Veidemanis A. - Soosyrv A.     1-0
  3 Gurckis G.    - Tuvikene M.    1-0
  4 Balanova E.   - Kolk M.      0,5-0,5


       RUSSIA   -   ESTONIA   3:1
  1 Iljin D.    -   Meritee A.   0,5-0,5
  2 Peskov S.   -   Soosyrv A.     1-0
  3 Sinyov I.   -   Tuvikene M.  0,5-0,5
  4 Nikonov K.  -   Kolk M.        1-0

      ESTONIA   -  RUSSIA   1,5:2,5
  1 Meritee A.  -  Iljin D.        0-1
  2 Soosyrv A.  -  Kozhin M.     0,5-0,5
  3 Tuvikene M. -  Sinyov I.       1-0
  4 Kolk M.     -  Nikonov K.      0-1

Match about 3rd and 4th place:

       SWEDEN      -  LATVIA  1:3    
  1 Karlsson S.    -  Reims A.       0-1
  2 Gardstrom P.   -  Veidemanis A.  0-1
  3 Holgersson G.  -  Gurckis G.   0,5-0,5  
  4 Bertilsson A.  -  Balanova E.  0,5-0,5

      LATVIA       -  SWEDEN  4:0    
  1 Reims A.       - Karlsson S.    1-0
  2 Veidemanis A.  - Gardstrom P.   1-0
  3 Gurckis G.     - Holgersson G.  1-0
  4 Balanova E.    - Johannesson R. 1-0

Match about places 5-7.

      CHINA      - ARMENIA  1:2
  1 Na Wei        - Pogosyan A.    1-0
  2 Deng Jing-Hui - Voskanian E.   0-1
  3 Du Yu         - Grigorian N.   0-1

       ARMENIA    - CHINA    2,5:0,5
  1 Pogosyan A.   - Na Wei        0,5-0,5
  2 Voskanian E.  - Deng Jing-Hui   1-0
  3 Grigorian N.  - Du Yu           1-0

Match about places 5-6.

     ARMENIA     - JAPAN     3:5
  1 Pogosyan A.  - Nara H.     1-0  0-1
  2 Saakian T.   - Hasegava K. 0-1  0-1
  3 Grigorian N. - Iwata A.    0-1  0-1
  4 Voskanian E. - Adachi Y.   1-0  1-0

The Extra General Assembly of Renju International Fedration. Held at the Central Chess Club in St Petersburg on May 2 1996.

1. The meeting was declared open.

2. Alexandr Nosovsky was elected as chairman for the meeting and Peter Jonsson was elected as the secretary. The minutes of this meeting should be signed by Kazuto Hasegawa, Konstantin Nikonov and Ants Soosorv.

3. It was decided that the following people would have the right to vote.

JAPAN           Kazuto Hasegawa
RUSSIA          Viktor Kaufmann
SWEDEN          Peter Jonsson
BELARUS         Igor Doroskevitch
ESTONIA         Ants Soosorv
LATVIA          Aldis Reims

4. Decision about change of the opening rules. "In starting the game the tentative Black plays all the first three moves (two for Black and one for White) i.e. he decides which of the 26 patterns that will be used. (Instead of # 12.2-12.4 in the official rules of RIF.) Then the tentative White decides which of the players that will play as Black and as White in the game" (White has the right to change sides). It is the same as # 12.5 in the official rules of RIF and the following opening rules are also the same as before.

5. Decision about citizenship. First the passport shows which country a player represents. If a player does not have citizenship or if a player has double citizenship the RIF Central Committee will give the player a Renju Citizenship. The player must use this in all future.

6. Decision. It is not possible for a country to sell or give away a national place in championships.

7. It was decided that the European Championship will be held every second year. Instead of playing according to Swiss system, a sytem of Round Robin and eliminations.

8. The question of membership for Armenia and Azerbaidjan. Both countries do not have to pay the old memberfees and if they will pay memberfee agin they will have the full rights as a member. The old memberfees will also be removed from the balance sheet. Both countries have to pay the old memberfees in the future if possible. Armenia payed the memberfee and Albert Pogosyan has the right to vote.

9. The suggestion of the Rating Commisssion was adopted with the following changes.
a) for future tournaments the minimum time must be at least 60 minutes.
b) on point 2 there will be an additional text: If those tournaments are open for RIF players.
c) on point 3 there will be an additional text: If this will not be done after three months after the tournament the responsible federation has to pay a fee (20 US $).

10. Discussions about the WC in 1997. The federation who would like to organize WC must send their application before the end of May 1996. The decision will be made by the Central Committee not later than July 1 1996.

11. The Renju Opening Classifier was adopted as the official RIF classifier. The Central Committee will see to that the printing will be made.

12. The meeting decided that Mr Nosovskys suggestions about changes in the statues should not be adopted. In the future the Central Committee must inform all member federations about decisions made within the Committee.

13. Mr Nosovsky declared that he will retire as the Renju World editor. Suggestions for new editor must be sent to the President before Sep. 1 1996.

14. RIF will make the now running WC email tournament official. The Central Committee will see that a cup is bought for the winner.

15. In the Youth Championship it will be a class for girls. This championship will be held evey second year.

Secretary   Peter Jonsson
Chairman    Alexandr Nosovsky
            Kazuto Hasegawa
            Konstantin Nikonov
            Ants Soosorv


May 10, 1996

The opening rules in renju are changed

On the 2nd of May 1996 the RIF General Assembly decided to change the opening rules in renju. In the official rules points 12.2-4 are changed.

Link to the current official rules of renju.
Link to the statues of RIF.

Short news from World Team Championship of Renju

Pool A


Pool B



Estonia - Latvia  4-4 (On 1:st board Meritee-Reims 1.5-0.5)
Russia  - Sweden  7-1


Russia - Estonia 5.5-2.5

Match regarding 3rd place:

Latvia  - Sweden   7-1

List of results:


April, 18

Swedish Championship of Renju 1996

Now you can find below links to the results from all games in the A-Final in the Swedish Championship of Renju 1996. The table are in Swedish but it is still easy to understand if you do not speak Swedish.

Usual HTML-page including table in 60 Kb jpg-file
Microsoft Word 6.0 file
Adobe Acrobat Reader (pdf) file

April, 16

Information from the organizer o Russian Youth Championship A. Skuridin

Observe the suggestion to organize also a special Girls World Championship during Youth World Championship in August 1966. Parts of this information are earlier published on this page. You can find it below.

Dear Mr. Maltell,

We really must apologize for the delay in answering. Our E-mail set
was broken.

Thank you so mush for your letter and your kind suggestion to subscribe
to Renju newsletters. It gives us pleasure to accept your suggestion
and we look forward to getting your newsletters.

In our side we promise to inform you about all renju events from N.Novgorod.
The last news are:

1. N. Novgorod Open Tournament 15-17 of March. 42 participants. 9 rounds.
Top 5 are:

    1. Krasnonosov D.  8 dan  Moscow      7.5 points
    2. Golosov V.      6 dan  Moscow      7
    3. Fedorkin O.     7 dan  Moscow      7
    4. Lunkin V.       6 dan  Moscow      6.5
    5. Skuridin A.     6 dan  N.Novgorod  6.5

It is a traditional tournament. In the 1997 we will organize it in 14-16
of March and we will be glad to see participants from foreign countries
as well as russians do.

2. Russian Youth  Championship. 28 of March - 1 April. Rybinsk.
A group (born 1978-1981). 9 rounds. 20 participants.
Top 10 are:

    1. Martynov A.    5 dan  Novokunetsk  8 points
    2. Klimashin A.   5 dan  S-Peterburg  7
    3. Ses P.         3 dan  S-Peterburg  6.5
    4. Melnikov S.    4 dan  Zhyguljovsk  6
    5. Vostrjakov S.  1 kju  Podjuga      5.5
    6. Sushkov V.     2 dan  S-Peterburg  5
    7. Rodin M.       1 kju  Podjuga      5
    8. Makeev D.      1 dan  Zhyguljovsk  5
    9. Karnaukh A.    1 dan  Podjuga      4.5
   10. Prokopiev      2 dan  Tjumen       4.5

B group (born not before 1982). 11 rounds. 32 participants.
Top 10 are:

    1. Chingin K.     2 dan  Zhiguljovsk  10 points
    2. Sevrjukov E.   3 kju  Zhiguljovsk  8.5
    3. Shevelev S.    3 kju  N.Novgorod   8
    4. Zaripov R.     3 kju  Zhiguljovsk  7
    5. Zaripov T.     3 kju  Zhiguljovsk  7
    6. Lebedeva E.    2 kju  Podjuga      7
    7. Karasev M.     4 kju  N.Novgorod   7
    8. Losjakov S.    5 kju  Zhiguljovsk  6.5
    9. Potapov V.     5 kju  Moscow       6.5
   10. Suprjatkin V.  6 kju  N.Novgorod   6.5

A few words about Youth World Championship. Many russian coaches require
to organize a special group for girls. I see no reasons why we cannot do
that. I think it is possible to collect 12-16 girls from Japan, Sweden,
Estonia, Ukraine and Russia. What do you think about this subject? I hope
to see you or Mr P. Jonsson in S-Peterburg during the Team Championship
and discuss this problem.

Unfortunately our E-mail is insecure. If you get answer "no this address",
it means our E-mail don't work. In this case please repeat your message
through a week.

Friendly yours   A. Skuridin
                 M. Shavarin

E-mail address:

Some news from Aldis Reims in Latvia

This weekend were played some exciting games in Latvia Ch Final.

 On the last remaining game of Top-8 Balanova won over Veidemanis !!!!
So Top-8 final results are:


1.Reims      6.5    -----l
2.Andersons  5.5    --l  l
3.Balanova   5.0    --l  l
4.Veidemanis 4.0    -----l
5.Gurtskis   3.5
6.Demidov    2.0     
7.Rinkis     1.0
8.Gaujens    0.5

 And first semifinal (2 games-match) between Reims and Veidemanis were 
  1. Veidemanis - Reims    1:0 (black 53)
  2. Veidemanis - Reims    0:1 (white 70)
Latvia was quite close to first time Champion changing in last 10 years,
but Reims could find a victory in the same ending of last game.
Now 2 30 min games will be played and if they also will finish 1:1 
winner of semifinal will be Reims (better result in Top-8).

April 14, 1996

Results from Swedish Championship

A-Final (Stora SM)
 1. Stefan Karlsson       Joenkoeping   6.5
 2. Goeran Holgersson     Joenkoeping   5.5
 3. Petter Gardstroem     Uppsala       5.5
 4. Anders Bertisson      Hoegsjoe      5.5
 5. Rickard Johannesson   Joenkoeping   5
 6. Jan Palmgren          Goeteborg     5
 7. Kristian Lindberg     Joenkoeping   4.5
 8. Tord Andersson        Uppsala       4
 9. Peter Jonsson         Joenkoeping   2
10.Bjoern Wallgren        Haernoesand   1.5

B-Final (Lilla SM)
 1. Hannes Hermansson      Hoegsjoe    11
 2. Anders Henningsson     Joenkoeping  9
 3. Johnny Nielsen         Malmoe       8
 4. Peder Svensson         Joenkoeping  8
 5. Marcus Eriksson        Hoegsjoe     7
 6. Linus Hermansson       Hoegsjoe     7
 7. Tommy Pettersson       Hoegsjoe     6.5
 8. Martin Carlsson        Joenkoeping  6
 9. Tomas Torstensson      Boraas       6
10. Kristian Gustafsson    Joenkoeping  6
11. Stig Qwarfort          Hjo          5.5
12. Michael Sjoeberg       Hoegsjoe     5.5
13. Martin Karlsson        Joenkoeping  5.5
14. Bengt Nyberg           Linkoeping   5.5
15. Haakan Moeller         Malmoe       5.5
16. Micael Naeslundh       Olofstroem   5.5
17. Mike Dufvenberg        Sundsvall    5
18. Robert Karlsson        Hoegsjoe     5
19. Sven-AAke Pettersson   Hoegsjoe     5
20. Tobias Ring            Hoegsjoe     5
21. Henrik Karlsson        Joenkoeping  5
22. Tobias Wallen          Hoegsjoe     4.5
23. Magnus von Mecklenburg Hoegsjoe     4.5
24. Johan Loenn            Hoegsjoe     3.5
25. Emma Skoogh            Hoegsjoe     3.5
26. Sofie Wulff            Olofstroem   3
27. Frida Skoogh           Hoegsjoe     2.5

Hannes Hermansson is 13 years old and his start
in Youth World Championship will be interesting.

The 5 best players in A-final will be the Swedish
representatives in the World Team Championship.

April, 10

List of e-mailaddresses to renjuplayers

E-mail addresses to all 58 Renju Newsletter subscribers including all Connection Men within RIF you can find here.

First Team World Championship Information Letter # 2

Dear renju friends,

We would like to tell you the  current  information  regarding  the  TWC-1
tournament. Now there are 6 countries which sent the application  for  the
participation in that tournament. Here they are:

1. JAPAN                                2. CHINA
   Kazuto Hasegawa     - 9 dan             Na Wei              - 1 dan
   Hideki Nara         - 8 dan             Deng Jing Hui       - 2 kyu
   Junichiro Suzuki    - 5 dan             Wang Xue Tao        - 5 kyu
   Yasuhiro Adachi     - 2 dan             Du Yu               - 6 kyu
   Akihiro Ohi         - 2 dan

3. ESTONIA                              4. LATVIA
   Ando Meritee        - 9 dan             Aldis Reims         - 8 dan
   Ants Soosyrv        - 7 dan             Arnis Veidemanis    - 8 dan
   Margus Tuvikene     - 7 dan             Helena Balanova     - 6 dan
   Marek Kolk          - 3 kyu             Gatis Gurtskis      - 6 dan
                                           Andris Andersons    - 5 dan

5. RUSSIA                               6. SWEDEN
   Igor Sinyov         - 9 dan             Petter Gardstreom   - 7 dan
   Dmitry Iljin        - 8 dan             Stefan Karlsson     - 7 dan
   Stepan Peskov       - 8 dan             Jan Palmgren        - 6 dan
   Mikhail Kozhin      - 7 dan             Tord Andersson      - 6 dan
   Konstantin Nikonov  - 7 dan             Georan Holgersson   - 6 dan
   Aleksandr Mikhailov - 7 dan             Rickard Johannesson - 6 dan
                                           Peter Jonsson       - 4 dan
                                           Anders Bertilsson   - 4 dan
                                           Bjorn Wallgren      - 4 dan
                                           Kristian Lindberg   - 2 kyu

Short comments. Near the Latvian and Swedish players I show their rank ac-
cording to the Russian Qualification  System,  because,  unfortunately,  I
don't know their rank in their National Rating List.  Please,  don't  take
offense if the rank I show is not quite correct.

Russian Team. One person from that list is to be excluded.
Swedish Team. Unfortunately, now I can show the preliminary list of candi-
dates only.

One bad new. Since March 31 the new room prices in the "Vyborgskaya" hotel
are set. However, the Hotel Director promises to make a 10%  discount  for
the participants of the tournament. Here the new prices are:
! Number!    Price for 1 person for 24 hours (in thousand roubles)    !
!   of  !-------------------------------------------------------------!
! places!             Russia           !         Foreigners           !
! in the!------------------------------!------------------------------!
!  room ! WC, bathroom !wash-basin only! WC, bathroom !wash-basin only!
!   1   !    75.000    !     40.000    !   120.000    !     80.000    !
!   2   !    70.000    !     33.000    !   100.000    !     65.000    !
!   4   !    ------    !     20.000    !    ------    !     25.000    !
Current rate is $1 = 4900 rbl.

Dear coming participants! Please, tell us the room category you choose and
the exact time of your arrival as soon as you recognize  it  yourself.  We
need that information very much for the preparations to the tournament.

Welcome to St.Petersburg! The First Team World  Championship  promises  to
become a very interesting event in our renju life!

Sincerely yours,

Pavel Salnikov
Chairman of the Organizing Committee

Information from Ants Soosorv about Youth Russian Championship

Hello Tommy,

I was in Rybinsk as a referee in V Youth Russian
Championship. Here are the results (20 players, 9 rounds, 
Older group (born 01.01.78 - 31.12.81)
   Name         City            Trainer      dan  Points (from 9)
 1. Martynov     Novokuznetsk   Sotnikov     V           8 
 2. Klimaskin    St.Petersburg  Alexandrov   V           7,5
 3. Ses          St.Petersburg  Alexandrov   II-III      6,5
 4. Melnikov     Zhigulyovsk    Kabanov      IV          6
 5. Vostryakov   Podyuga        Metreveli    2-1 kyu     5,5
 6. Sushkov      St.Petersburg  Alexandrov   I           5
 7. Rodin        Zhigulyovsk    Kabanov      3-1         5
 8. Makeyev      Zhigulyovsk    Kabanov      I           5
 9. Karnauk      Podyuga        Metreveli    I           4,5
10. Prokguyev    Tymen          Sarachkin    II          4,5
11. Litvinenko   Tymen          Sarachkin    IV-III      4,5
12. Lapshin      Rybinsk        Volkov       II          4
13. Rodikov      Podyuga        Metreveli    2           4
14. Sablin       Zhigulyovsk    Gruzin       8-6         4
15. Boikov       Podyuga        Metreveli    2           3,5
16. Trifonov     Novokuznetsk   Sotnikov     1           3,5
17. Skolozubov   Podyuga        Metreveli    2           3
18. Shelevilya   Zhigulyovsk    Gruzin       6           2,5
19. Bykov        Podyuga        Metreveli    4           2,5
20. Maslov       N.Novgorod     Shuridin     8           1

Most interesting results:
Martynov - Klimashin        0,5 - 0,5
Martynov - Ses                1 - 0
Martynov - Melnikov           1 - 0
Martynov - Sushkov          0,5 - 0,5 (last round, after 1. move !)
Klimashin - Ses               1 - 0   
Klimashin - Melnikov        0,5 - 0,5 (after 21. move)
Klimashin - Sushkov         0,5 - 0,5

Martynov is very strong player. Unfortunately he lives very far 
from Russian Renju centre and can't play often in strong 
tournaments. Klimashin of course is very strong player too,
but he wasn't enough agressive in this tournament. For 
example he played I5 with Melnikov as white and agreed
to draw after 21. move.
Ten best players from this competition will play in I
Youth World Championship. Maybe also Olyunin from
N.Novgorod can participate in WC. My opinion is that
3 big favourites in WC are Martynov, Klimashin and Tuvikene,
but also Sushkov, Melnikov, Olyunin, Ses, Hermansson 
(if he will play)can show good results.

Younger group (born after 01.01.82)
32 players, 11 rounds, Swiss
    Name        City          Trainer     dan    points (from 11)
 1. Tchingin    Zhigulyovsk   Gruzin      II          10
 2. Sevryukov   Zhigulyovsk   Gruzin      5-3kyu       8,5
 3. Shevelyov   N.Novgorod    Skuridin    3            8
 4. T.Zaripov   Zhigulyovsk   Gruzin      3            7,5
 5. R.Zaripov   Zhigulyovsk   Gruzin      3            7
 6. Lebedeva(best girl)PodyugaMetreveli   2            7
 7. Karasyev    N.Novgorod    Skuridin    5            7
 8. Losyakov    Zhigulyovsk   Gruzin      7-5          6,5
 9. Potapov     Moscow        Krasnonosov 6-5          6,5
10. Supryatkin  N.Novgorod    Skuridin                 6,5

Best regards,
Ants Sooso~rv

April, 6

April, 2

Fem I Rad No 3 1995 with Photos

Now also the photos from the Electronic Swedish Magazine "Fem I Rad Nr 3 1995" are included in the magazine. Also 7 photos from the tournament "Malmöslaget" will be found from the above link. These photos are easy to find and understand even if you do not speak Swedish.

Letter from Konstantin Nikonov

Dear Mr. President!

This is just to let you know that only St.Petersburg is proposed as WC'97 Russian city. It is very interesting for us to discuss the calendar of RIF official competitions in 1997 at the General Assembly.

Sincerely Yours
Konstantin Nikonov, ARR President

Information from Aldis Reims about Latvia Championship'96

In the same weekend as the match Meritee-Reims were played 
postponed games in LatChamp 1/2 final.
Results were quite sensational.
So, Rotbergs who played a draw against Reims didn't qualify!!!

    Last results:

    Andersons - Rinkis 0:1 !!!
    Rotbergs  - Balanova 0:1
    Andersons - Mutsenieks 1:0
    Andersons - Balanova draw

So final will be played among:

   1.REIMS, Aldis
   2.VEIDEMANIS, Arnis
   3.GURTSKIS, Gatis
   5.ANDERSONS, Andris
   6.GAUYENS, Artis
   7.DEMIDOV, Alexey
   8.RINKIS, Ingus

And first 4 places will get a place in Latvian National Team in WC Team -96

More information from Aldis Reims about Latvia Championship'96

30-31/3/96 was played Final part of Latvia Championship'96.
But new Latvian Champion is still unknown... Because 1/2-final and Final
matches among 4 best will be played just before WTCh. 1st place will play
against 4th place and 2nd against 3rd and then will be played Final and
3rd place matches.

Results of Final tournament where 8 best from Semifinals played were
quite sensational. So, Gatis Gurtskis was only 5th and Arnis Veidemanis 
will be only 3rd or 4th (one game Balanova-Veidemanis was postponed). And
as a result Latvian Team will on WTCh will consist from following players:

 1.Aldis Reims
 2.Arnis Veidemanis
 3.Andris Andersons
 4.Yelena Balanova
 5.Gatis Gurtskis

Technical results from Latvia'96 Final:

1. REIMS, Aldis        * 1 1 1 1 1 1 /  6.5
2. ANDERSONS, Andris   0 * 1 1 / 1 1 1  5.5
3. VEIDEMANIS, Arnis   0 0 *   1 1 1 1  4.0(1)
4. BALANOVA, Yelena    0 0   * 1 1 1 1  4.0(1)
5. GURTSKIS, Gatis     0 / 0 0 * 1 1 1  3.5 
6. DEMIDOV, Alexey     0 0 0 0 0 * 1 1  2.0
7. RINKIS, Ingus       0 0 0 0 0 0 * 1  1.0
8. GAUYENS, Artis      / 0 0 0 0 0 0 *  0.5

After the postponed game will be clear semi-final pairs, which will be
played on April/20 and Final will be on April/21.

Michael Unterweger has new e-mail address

Michael Unterweger, the connection man for Austria, now has his own e-mail address:

March, 24

Baltic Champion Match Aldis Reims versus Ando Meritee

There is a supermatch going on in Tallinn during March 23-24 between Aldis Reims and Ando Meritee. It will be played two games in each day. In case of 2:2 the Baltic Champion will be Reims. In the first game Meritee was tentative black. Colours were changed in indirect opening. White won after 48 moves.

March, 19

A new playing Javapage you will find here

On this page you can choose if you want to play
In 2, 3 or 4 dimensions
With 0, 1, 2, 3, or 4 computers
With 2, 3 or 4 players
With lenghth of 4, 5, 6, 7 or 8

The Electronic Edition of the Swedish Magazine "Fem I Rad" No 3 - 1995 you can find here.

March, 17

Results from the Swedish National Tournament "Malmöslaget"

 1.Stefan Karlsson      Jönköping   8
 2.Johnny Nielsen       Malmö       7
 3.Göran Holgersson     Jönköping   6.5
 4.Rickard Johannesson  Jönköping   6.5
 5.Peder Svensson       Jönköping   5
 6.Stefan Diös          Malmö       5
 7.Bengt Asplund        Stockholm   5
 8.Martin Carlsson      Jönköping   5
 9.Håkan Möller         Malmö       5
10.Jan Paulander        Malmö       5
11.Martin Karlsson      Jönköping   5
12.Mikael Näslund       Olofström   4
13.Bengt Nyberg         Linköping   4
14.Kristian Gustavsson  Jönköping   4
15.Sofie Wulff          Olofström   2.5
16.Daniel Nyberg        Linköping   2
17.Lars-Inge Johansson  Helsingborg 1.5

March, 11

Information about Latch'96 from Aldis Reims

   On March 9/10 semifinals of Latvia'96 National Championship were
played in Riga. Totally 17 players took part and they were divided in
2 semifinal groups. First 4 players from each group qualified to 
final-8 tournament which will be held on March 30/31. Then will be
cleared Champion of Latvia'96 and 4 players for Latvian National Team 
for 1st Team World Championship.
   All the best Latvian players took part, except Teterovskis and results 
were without very great surprises - most of favourites qualified. However
there were some interesting results such as Reims-Rotbergs 0.5-0.5;
Dreimanis-Gurtskis 1-0(!) and Matyuk-Gurtskis 1-0. And also surprise was
a fact that Matyuk didn't qualified for final tournament, because his lost 
against Dreimanis in winning position.
   All games in PoolB were not played, because Andersons had to travel to
Sweden on second day of competition and he'll played his remaining games
during next 2 weeks.
   So now finalists are:
and most real candidates from PoolB are:
Andersons, Balanova, Rotbergs and also Rinkis(!) have the best chances.

  Technical results:
  PoolA                        PoolB
1.Veidemanis   6.5     1.Reims       6.5 (1 game postponed)
2.Gurtskis     4.5     2.Rinkis      5.0 (1)
3.Demidov      4.5     3.Rotbergs    4.5 (2)
4.Gaujens      4.0     4.Balanova    4.0 (2)
--------------------  ----------------------------------------
5.Dreimanis    4.0     5.Andersons   3.5 (4)
6.Matyuk       2.5     6.Bethers     3.5
7.Bankovs      2.0     7.Mutsenieks  3.0 (1)
8.Germalis,A   0.0     8.Kalninsh    1.0
                       9.Germele,L   0.0

News from Ants Soosoorv & Ando Meritee in Estonia

The complete Estonian team for WC IS:
          1. Ando Meritee IX dan
          2. Ants Soosoorv VII dan
          3. Margus Tuvikene VII dan
          4. Lauri Naber 3. kyu

16-17.03 will be played final match of Baltic League - Reims-Meritee
4 games.
In case of 2:2 the Baltic Champion will be Reims (as a winner of Baltic 
High League)

We prepare to carry out Karepa camp (8-15.08.1996). It will be about
25-30 players from Estonia, most of them will play in B-tournament.
More than 30 foreign players are expected. Everyone has to pay
US$ 105 for the camp (food, housing, transport Tallinn-Karepa-Tallinn).
The payment should be made during the team WC. 
Or if agreed with organizers, the fee can be payed by
15.06.1996. Everyone who will take part in tournament, has to pay US$ 10
as a tournament fee (it can also be payed at Karepa).

We are playing series of blitz renju tournaments in Estonia. It
consists of 5 tournaments. Since the level of players is very different, 
we have divided all players into 6 categories based on time limits.
For example 1. cat. has against 2. cat. 3 min/7 min (2 games), 
1. cat/3. cat is 1,5/8,5 , 1. cat/ ia 0,5/9,5 etc.
Already 4 tournaments have been played.


Name                    Points      Category
1.  Ando Meritee         18          1
2.  Margus Tuvikene      17,5        2
3.  Lauri Naber          17          3
4.  Ants Sooso~rv        17          1
5.  Marlen Raudsepp      11,5        4
6.  Eve Harju            10          4
7.  Endrik Aruma"gi      10          4
8.  Maris Tuvikene        8          5
9.  Aller Uja             8          5
10. Jyri Viital           8          6
11. Janno Veskimets       4          5
12. Martin Tedremaa       2          5

2. tournament

1.  Meritee               20          1
2.  Marek Kolk            16          5
3.  Sooso~rv              16          1
4.  Naber                 15          3
5.  Raudsepp              14          4
6.  Maili Madisson        12          6
7.  Maris Tuvikene        12          5
8.  Uja                   11          5
9.  Viital                11          6
10. Ylo Madisson           9          5
11. Eldermann              7          5
    Mart Paluvits          7          5
13. Peeter Tamm            6          5

Most interesting results:
Tuvikene-Meritee  2:0
Meritee-Sooso~rv  1:1
Naber-Meritee     1:1
Tuvikene-Naber    1:1
Naber-Sooso~rv    2:0
Sooso~rv-Tuvikene 1,5:0,5

3. tournament: 

1. Jyri Viital           10         
2. Maris Tuvikene         9         
3. Meritee                8,5
4. Uja                    7
5. Tamm                   7
6. Sooso~rv               5,5
7. Eve Harju              5
8. Kaspar                 4

4. tournament:

1. Maris Tuvikene        19
2. Ylo Madisson          17
3. Maili Madisson        16
4. Lauri Naber           15
5. Mart                  14
14. Tedremaa              2,5

Points are given: 1st place - 9p
                  2nd place - 7p
                  3rd place - 6p
                  8th place - 1p

Tottally after 4 rounds:

1. Meritee          24
2. Maris Tuvikene   19
3. Lauri Naber      16
4. Sooso~rv         14
5. Margus Tuvikene  10
6. Maili Madisson    9
7. Jyri Viital       9
8. Marlen Raudsepp   8
9. Marek Kolk        7
10.Ylo Madisson      7

Tallinn wants to put itself up as a candidate for organizing the 1997
Youth WC. We hope to hear opinions about that.

News from China

Mr Na Wei, the Connection Man of Peoples Republic of China has his own e-mail address. You are able to contact him on the following address:

Here is a letter to me from Nr Na Wei from China:

Happy New Year and warmest greeting from China Jingdu Renju Association.

I am glad to tell that Renju in China has stepped forward to its 
prosperity. The Renju training program are being shown on China Central 
Television at golden times and the program will last for one year. Up till 
now, we have published 3 books (in Chinese) on Renju. We are confident that 
Renju in China are being accepted by majorities and people are more and 
more fascinating at this game. Hope in the nearest future, I will provide 
you a detailed report on Renju in China.

Right now we are doing our utmost preparing for the 1st World Team 
Championship. Although we are facing financial problem, we do hope the trip 
to St. Petersburg could be successfully accomplished.

Please give my best regards to our friend Peter and Jan, who visited us 
last year, bring friendship and from RIF and Sweden. We sincerely invite 
you and other Renju players from all over the world to visit China at your 
earliest convenience.

Best regards,

Na Wei
President of CJRA

News from Pavel Salnikov

On the 24th of April the tournament of the First League of the 14th St.Pe-
tersburg Championship has been finished. The final  list  of  participants
looks like as follows:

    1. Kirill Moiseev        -10 of 12
    2. Aleksandr Ozhinsky    - 9
    3. Nonna Salnikova       - 8.5
    4. Pavel Ses             - 8.5
    5. Aleksandr Ivanov      - 8.5
    6. Vladimir Sushkov      - 6.5
    7. Konstantin Vodolazsky - 6.5
    8. Anatoly Nyrkov        - 6
    9. Dmitry Kosintsev      - 5.5
   10. Andrej Arefiev        - 5
   11. Svetlana Kondratieva  - 2
   12. Vladimir Starostin    - 1
   13. Igor Fetisov          - 0

Top six players entered the Highest League tournament where 12 players are
to take part. Another 6 players had personal places in the Highest  League
according to the results of the previous HL tournament. Here they are:

    1. Pavel Salnikov
    2. Viktor Aleksandrov
    3. Andrej Mishin
    4. Vladimir Filinov
    5. Aleksandr Klimashin
    6. Vladimir Semionov

However, an unpleasant surprise had been waiting for us. Andrej Mishin re-
fused his place in the tournament just before the 1st round. He said that,
may be, he does not play renju any more. Therefore, 11 persons only starts
their playing in the main Petersburg tournament.

Sincerely yours,
Pavel Salnikov

Michael Unterweger is back from long travel

Michael Unterweger, the Connection Man of Austria is back from long travel.
You can reach him via his friends e-mail address:

Here is a part of a letter from him:

	Dear Tommy,

Merry christmas and a happy new year 1994, 1995 and 1996 posthum and in 
advance. Hope we wil see and talk each other more often in future.
I am back from my travel and can use this account of one of my friends for 

Michael Unterweger

Nick Alexandrov has moved

Letter from Nick Alexandrov:

Just to let you know that I have moved to California.

My new address is:

Amgen Inc.
Mail Stop 14-1-D
1840 Dehavilland Drive
Thousand Oaks, CA 91320-1789

tel: (805) 447-1398
fax: (805) 447-1982


Nick Alexandrov

Renju World No 20-21 is now published

Renju World No 20-21 is now published and if you are a connection man or a subscribers you will receive it any day from Alexander Nosovsky in Moscow.

First new connection man from Hungary

Istvan Virag
Bolyai College
HUNGARY, 1145 Budapest, Amerikai ut. 96.

February, 24

Results from Open Russian Championship of Renju - High League 1996

 1. D. Iljin        8,0
 2. S. Peskov       7,5
 3. I. Siniov       7,0 (73,5)
 4. D. Krasnonosov  7,0 (68,0)
 5. K. Nikonov      6,5
 6. A. Milevski     6,0
 7. P. Makarov      5,5
 8. P. Salnikov     5,0 (55,0)
 9. V. Filinov      5,0 (49,5)
10. D. Kabanov      4,0
11. S. Karlsson     2,5
12. Y. Taiblin      2,0

Information about the Japanese Team in World Team Championship in St.Petersburg, April 29th - May 4th, 1996.

1. Kazuto Hasegawa  9dan
2. Hideki Nara      8dan
3. Junichiro Suzuki 5dan
4. Yasuhiro Adachi  2dan
5. Akihiro Ohi      2dan

February, 19

News about the the First Youth Championship in Nizhny Novgorod, 1-6 August 1996

Mr. Tommy Maltell,      Mr. Peter Jonsson,
The RIF President       The RIF Gen.Secretary

Dear sirs,
As you know, the RIF Congress (2 aug 1995, Tallinn) take
decision to organize the First Youth Championship in
Nizhny Novgorod, 1-6 August 1996.
I'd like to inform you about work, Which have carried out
to present moment.
We have booked the boarding-house out of the city (about 15km).
Double rooms, three-timed meal, large playing holl. The price
is 100$ for all period (1 Aug is arrival day, 6 Aug is
departure day).
Now my friends and I work hard to find out sponsor firms.
We have sent letters to many firms, banks and enterprises
with request to be a sponsor of the First Youth Championship.
If we get success in this way (I hope so), the all-in price
low down.
Please, inform all Renju-countries and all connection men of
RIF about this tournament, living conditions and all-in price.
I'd like to see represents from as many countries as it possible.
Hoping to hear from you soon.
                Sincerely yours, Alexey Skuridin.

Questions could be sent via e-mail to

Results from Helsingborg Open - A National Swedish Tournament

 1. Göran Holgersson        Jönköping      7.0
 2. Peter Jonsson           Jönköping      6.0
 3. Mikael Näslundh         Olofström      5.0
 4. Johnny Nielsen          Malmö          4.0 (29)
 5. Martin Carlsson         Jönköping      4.0 (26.5)
 6. Håkan Möller            Malmö          4.0 (20)
 7. Jonas Berling           Ängelholm      3.5 (25)
 8. Jan Paulander           Malmö          3.5 (20)
 9. Kristian Gustavsson     Jönköping      3.0 (28)
10. Sofie Wulff             Olofström      3.0 (24)
11. Lars-Inge Johansson     Helsingborg    3.0 (22)
12. Daniel Balogh           Helsingborg    3.0 (20)
13. Anita Marmell           Malmö          3.0 (19)
14. Martin Green            Helsingborg    2.5
15. Majid Sohrabi           Helsingborg    1.5

February, 13


will now be found here.

February, 9

Map with Connection Men within RIF

Here you will find a map. If you use Netscape 2.0 when you click on a country you will be able to send e-mail to the connection man of this country.

February, 6

The All Time List of Swedish Championship as a pdf-file

If you use Netscape 2.0 with plug-in Acrobat "Amber" Reader (which plug-in can be downloaded here) you will find 6 pages with all Swedish Championships here.

Most of the results except for the total list on one page you will find as Web-pages here

February, 1

Information about the 1st Team World Championship

I would like to tell some preliminary information about the 1st Team World Championship (TWC-1) and the 1st Open Russian Team Championship (ORTC-1).

The preliminary time-table looks like as follows:

28.04,       12:00 - Othello tournament for renju players
             18:00 - Opening Ceremony
29.04-03.05, 10:00 - 1st, 3rd, 5th, 7th,  9th rounds
             15:30 - 2nd, 4th, 6th, 8th, 10th rounds
04.05,       10:00 - 11th round
             16:00 - Closing Ceremony

Most probably, "Vyborgskaya" hotel will be the lodging place. I have in- formed you about the prices in that hotel before the 2nd European Cham- pionship. But those prices seem to be increased and I shall inform you about the new situation in the beginning of March.

A preliminary amount of the tournament fee is $40 for the participants of the TWC-1 and $20 for the participants of the ORTC-1. Unfortunately, we cannot calculate the exact amount of that fee before we receive the most part of applications. Therefore, we ask all the players and all the count- ries who is going to take part in those tournaments to send the applica- tions as soon as possible. The deadline for the applications is 01.04.96.

ATTENTION! We invite all single players who would like to come to take part in the ORTC-1 in the body of an International Team. Please, send me your applications right now to make easier the forming of that team.

Everybody is welcome!

Sincerely yours,

Pavel Salnikov,
Chairman of the Organizing Committee

17 pages with 11 lessons with problems for beginners in Swedish

If you use Netscape 2.0 with plug-in Acrobat "Amber" Reader (which plug-in can be downloaded here) you will find 17 pages with 11 lessons with problems for beginners in Swedish here. The name in Swedish is "Luffarschackets Grunder". It is written by Peter Jonsson, The President of the Swedish Federation.

The same writing as a zipped Microsoft Word 6.0 file you can download here
Old news from January 1996

Old news from the period July - December 1995

Old news from the period January - June 1995