Renju News Page

Latest news - January 1996

January, 31

Info about RIF and Renju with new plug-in ASAP Web Show

If you use Netscape 2.0 with plug-in ASAP Web Show (which plug-in can be downloaded here) you will find a short presentation about RIF and Renju here.

January, 27

Do you want to download many RIF photos easy or any Webpage including photos and several levels of pages under this Web-page including photos?

On the RIF Web-page for photos there are about 150 photos from the Renju World. If you want to download many photos you have to download each photo separately. You can go to There you are able to download 40 jpg-photos in file "" (1105 Kb). You can read (often historical) comments to the photos in the text-file "r3inpic.txt" (9 Kb).

There is also a program that you can download called Grab-a-site. With this program you can automatically download from all RIF photos mentioned on this page.

With this program you can also download any Webpage including photos and several levels of pages under this Web-page including photos?

Results from Swedish Blitz Championship January 27th 1996

Totally 41 players participated

 1. Petter Gardström     Uppsala

 2. Stefan Karlsson      Jönköping

 3. Tord Andersson       Uppsala

 4. Ants Soosorv         Tallinn/Estonia

 5. Peter Jonsson        Jönköping

 6. Kristian Lindberg    Jönköping

 7. Markus Eriksson      Högsjö

 8. Kiet Vu              Högsjö

 9. Göran Holgersson     Jönköping

10. Hannes Hermansson    Högsjö

11. Rickard Johannesson  Jönköping

12. Martin C. Karlsson   Jönköping   

13. Björn Wallgren       Härnösand

14. Kristian Gustavsson  Jönköping      

15. Tommy Pettersson     Högsjö

New Java-page with a Gomoku playing program

In Korea there is a Java-page with a Gomoku playing program on You can use for example Netscape 2.0 for Windows 95 with Java.

Info about The Swedish Federation with new plug-in ASAP Web Show

If you use Netscape 2.0 with plug-in ASAP Web Show (which plug-in can be downloaded here) and if you can read swedish you will find a short presentation about the Swedish Renju Federation here.

January, 22

In Korea there is a Java-page with a Gomoku playing program on You can use for example Netscape 2.0 for Windows 95 with Java.

January, 20

1st Internet blitz-game Kawamura-Reims

The game was continued on Thu, 18 Jan 1996 from 10:50 - 12:00 Latvian time. Reims played as Black and won after move 59. 5A (The alternative move that White decided that Black could not play) was 48.

Link to the game and comments by Aldis Reims

Links to some new photos:

From European Championship in Renju finished on the 21st of December 1995

1. Aleksandr Klimashin, Russia - The European Champion
2. From game Aleksandr Klimashin- Pavel Salnikov
3. Aleksandr Klimashin has received his prizes

From Peter Jonssons and Jan Palmgrens visit in China

Unfortunately all names of the players are not known.

1.Swedish and Chinese leaders
2.9 years old now and strong - World Champion in the year 2006?
3.Swedish players together with Chinese leaders and many children
5.Peter Jonsson plays with Na Wei
6.In the playing room - Papers are also possible to use
7. In another playing room
8. Jan Palmgren and Peter Jonsson play simultaneously with several young players

January, 19

The Finals of the Renju WC via e-mail have started. Anyone can watch the progress of any game!

The Qualification Tournament of Renju WC are ended.

Gurckis won the last game (c15) against Chen.


Pool  userid             W   L   T  Score   Real name   Country

----  ---------------- --- --- --- -----   --------------------------

  a * areims            11   1   0   11     Reims       Latvia                

  a * llaibini          10   2   0   10     Laibinis    Lithuania/Finland    

  a - dterekhov          9   3   0    9     Terekov     Canada    

  a - frid               6   6   0    6     Frid        Sweden

  a   mli                4   8   0    4     Li          USA

  a   chaz               2  10   0    3     Pedersen    Denmark

  a   lordbane           0  12   0    0     Sheffi      Israel


  b * sinyovi           11   0   1   11.5   Sinyov      Russia

  b * ademidov          10   1   1   10.5   Demidov     Latvia

  b - tibia              6   6   0    6     Lipsits     USA

  b - alipsits           6   6   0    6     Pingel      Denmark

  b - pingel             6   6   0    6     Tibaldi     Italy

  b   jeroen             2  10   0    2     van Dijk    The Netherlands

  b   hxie               0  12   0    0     Xie         USA


  c * nalexandrov        9   0   1    9.5   Alexandrov  Russia/USA

  c * charly             8   2   0    8     Barth       Germany

  c - ggurckis           5   4   1    5.5   Gurckis     Latvia

  c - rrognlie           4   6   0    4     Rognlie     USA

  c   ychen              3   6   0    3     Chen        China/USA

  c   wradkov            0  10   0    0     Radkow      Bulgaria

Players marked with a '*' are advancing to the A final (Pool d).
Players marked with a '-' are advancing to the B final (Pool e).

For this phase, players will each have a total of 75 days in which to make their moves. A player may be placed on vacation by asking rrognlie to do so, but this does not affect the 75 day move clock. It will only affect whether you are "nagged" after a week of inactivity or forfeit after 3 week.

The boards have been created, and the clocks are running...

The board assignments for the next phase are:
(Eks. = Black, Ohs. = White)

Board Tent. Eks     Tent. Ohs  

----- ----------    ---------- 

 d12  areims        llaibini   

 d13  areims        sinyovi

 d14  areims        ademidov   

 d15  areims        nalexandrov 

 d16  areims        charly     

 d21  llaibini      areims     

 d23  llaibini      sinyovi   

 d24  llaibini      ademidov   

 d25  llaibini      nalexandrov 

 d26  llaibini      charly     

 d31  sinyovi       areims     

 d32  sinyovi       llaibini  

 d34  sinyovi       ademidov   

 d35  sinyovi       nalexandrov 

 d36  sinyovi       charly     

 d41  ademidov      areims     

 d42  ademidov      llaibini   

 d43  ademidov      sinyovi    

 d45  ademidov      nalexandrov 

 d46  ademidov      charly     

 d51  nalexandrov   areims     

 d52  nalexandrov   llaibini  

 d53  nalexandrov   sinyovi    

 d54  nalexandrov   ademidov   

 d56  nalexandrov   charly     

 d61  charly        areims     

 d62  charly        llaibini   

 d63  charly        sinyovi    

 d64  charly        ademidov   

 d65  charly        nalexandrov 

 e12  dterekhov     frid       

 e13  dterekhov     tibia      

 e14  dterekhov     alipsits   

 e15  dterekhov     pingel     

 e16  dterekhov     ggurckis   

 e17  dterekhov     rrognlie   

 e21  frid          dterekhov  

 e23  frid          tibia     

 e24  frid          alipsits   

 e25  frid          pingel     

 e26  frid          ggurckis   

 e27  frid          rrognlie  

 e31  tibia         dterekhov  

 e32  tibia         frid       

 e34  tibia         alipsits   

 e35  tibia         pingel     

 e36  tibia         ggurckis   

 e37  tibia         rrognlie   

 e41  alipsits      dterekhov  

 e42  alipsits      frid       

 e43  alipsits      tibia      

 e45  alipsits      pingel     

 e46  alipsits      ggurckis   

 e47  alipsits      rrognlie   

 e51  pingel        dterekhov  

 e52  pingel        frid       

 e53  pingel        tibia      

 e54  pingel        alipsits   

 e56  pingel        ggurckis   

 e57  pingel        rrognlie   

 e61  ggurckis      dterekhov  

 e62  ggurckis      frid       

 e63  ggurckis      tibia      

 e64  ggurckis      alipsits   

 e65  ggurckis      pingel     

 e67  ggurckis      rrognlie   

 e71  rrognlie      dterekhov  

 e72  rrognlie      frid       

 e73  rrognlie      tibia      

 e74  rrognlie      alipsits   

 e75  rrognlie      pingel     

 e76  rrognlie      ggurckis   

If you do not participate but if you any time wants to see the actual situation in one of the games mentioned above you can send e-mail to the pbm-server:

and on the subject line you shall write the game that you want to see in the same way as in the following example where I want to see the game frid - ggurckis :

renju show e26

There are also commands so that you can get e-mail with

1.The standing after each move in the way as the players will get or
2.The standing and final result when the game is over.

More information about how to get this information you will get at the URL-address:

January, 15

Report from Aldis Reims

On sunday, January 14, the Final of Baltic Championship finished. Result list of this tournament:

                          1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Pts Cof Plc


1. DEMIDOV, Alexei   LAT  # 0 0 1 1 0 0 x 0 0  2.5       8. 

2. MERITEE, Ando     EST  1 # 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 1  7.0       II

3. BALANOVA, Yelena  LAT  1 0 # x 1 1 1 1 0 x  6.0       III 

4. VEIDEMANIS, Arnis LAT  0 0 x # 0 1 1 0 0 1  3.5       6.

5. SOOSORV, Ants     EST  0 1 0 1 # 0 1 1 0 1  5.0 17.5  4.

6. GURTSKIS, Gatis   LAT  1 0 0 0 1 # 1 1 0 1  5.0 14.5  5.

7. DREIMANIS, Raimis LAT  1 0 0 0 0 0 # 0 0 1  2.0       9.

8. ANDERSONS, Andris LAT  x 0 0 1 0 0 1 # 0 1  3.5       7.      

9. REIMS, Aldis      LAT  1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 # 1  9.0       I

10.MATYUK, Valeri    LAT  1 0 x 0 0 0 0 0 0 #  1.5       10.

On February Finalmatch will be played in Tallinn between Aldis Reims and Ando Meritee for the title of Baltic "Meijin". Match will consist from 4 games. If result will be 2-2 then Aldis Reims will be a winner, because of better result in Final tournament.

As you probably know, on Sunday also a match between Aldis Reims and World Champion & Meijin Norihiko Kawamura was played. Unfortunately it didn't finish because of technical problems. Game was analyzed after by both participants through phone and situation was evaluated as equal with slight advantage and long initiative of black. Many people asked why such 19th move was used. But it was also used in game Nara - Nakamura 2 years ago. Probably in future another attempt between Reims and Kawamura will be made.


From the URL-page you can find information about all Swedish Championships of Renju, Luffarschack and Pente

Alta Vista - fantatic new Search Machine

Have you tried the new search machine Alta Vista with the URL-address

Find pointers to your home page; find an old friend; find out what the other indexes missed. You have access to all 8 billion words found in over 16 million Web pages.

I found about 200 links just searching for the word "renju". Most of the links of course are to RIF's pages but I also found pages that I did not know about. Gomoku gave 300, pente 1000 and luffarschack 62 links.

January, 14

The internet game Kawamura-Reims ended draw

The server capacity could not let everyone whatch the game but The Renju Newsletter subscribers were invited to watch it on-line. I could easily follow the game but after 29 moves game was finished as a draw, because of technical problems somewhere in Japan. Reims agreed with Kawamura through phone that situation was quite equal so they agreed on a draw result.

It was a blitz-game with very short time to think but here are still some comments from watchers in Jönköping:

The game follows a standardpattern until 18th move. This became popular after a Meijin-game 1993 Nakamura-Kawamura 1-0.

19-19 is new to us. 20-20 seems OK and the development up to 25 seems natural. We think that 26-28 is good enough (if 27-28 then 28-h5, but 26-26 and 28-28 is probably good too. 29-29 is a balanced move and white should probably answer some where near 29, we suggest 30-h4. Probably it's only good for black if white, in move 30, tries something active in the upper-right part of the board.

The watchers at Jonkoping University:

Goran Holgersson

Rickard Johannesson

Henrik Karlsson

Martin Karlsson

Stefan Karlsson

Peder Svensson

Reims was Black and Kawamura white. You can find the game here as a gif-file.

January, 12

Games from the Final of Swedish Cup

Below you will find links to the three games in the Swedish Cup Final

1. Karlsson - Sundling 1-0 Black wins after 53 moves. I 11, 5A = 20.

2. Sundling - Karlsson 0-1 White wins after 88 moves. I 11, 5A = 40.

3. Karlsson - Sundling 1-0 Black wins after 31 moves. I 9, 5A = 6.

Dates of the Russian Highest League tournament

The preliminary time-table is as follows:

10.02,       18:00 - Opening Ceremony 

11.02-17.02, 10:00 - 1st, 3rd, 5th, 7th,  9th, 11th, 13th rounds

             15:00 - 2nd, 4th, 6th, 8th, 10th, 12th, 14th rounds

18.02,        9:00 - 15th round

             14:00 - Closing Ceremony

Report from the Renju World Championship Tournament via -mail

The qualification round are almost finished. Only one game is remaining.

Here are the results:

Pool  Name              W   L   T  Points   Qualified for:

----  ---------------- --- --- --- ----    ---------------

  a   Reims             11   1   0  11      A-Final

  a   Laibini           10   2   0  10      A-Final

  a   Terekhov           9   3   0   9      B-Final

  a   Frid               6   6   0   6      B-Final

  a   Li                 4   8   0   4     

  a   Pedersen           2   9   0   2     

  a   Sheffi             0  12   0   0     


  b   Sinyov            11   0   1  11.5    A-Final  

  b   Demidov           10   1   1  10.5    A-Final

  b   Tibaldi            6   6   0   6      B-Final

  b   Lipsits            6   6   0   6      B-Final

  b   Pingel             6   6   0   6      B-Final

  b   van Dijk           2  10   0   2

  b   Xie                0  12   0   0


  c   Alexandrov         9   0   1   9.5    A-Final

  c   Barth              8   2   0   8      A-Final

  c   Gurckis            4   4   1   5.5    B-Final  

  c   Rognlie            4   6   0   4      B-Final

  c   Chen               3   6   0   3     (Maybe B-Final) 

  c   Radkov             0  10   0   0

One game remains: c15 ggurckis - ychen

In the A-Final some players want to play only one game against each opponent and some players want to play two games. I have decided to go on as in the Qualification Tournament i.e. two games with each opponent. The players seems to want more time and therefore I intend to start the final a little earlier i.e. on January 19th and end it at the latest on on June 19th. It is not so good to play in summertime.

Then each player will get 75 days each for every game which means 75x24x60=108000 minutes. Time for holidays and rest must be included in these minutes just as in the Qualification Tournament. I.e. the times goes always and it is not possible to make any breaks that will lengthen the maximum time of 108000 minutes.

Other rules will be the same as in Qualification Tournament.

The three best in the A-Final will be directly qualified for next years A-Final. Next year I plan for 8 players in the A-Final.

In the B-final are qualified:

From pool a: dterekhov and frid

From pool b: tibia, alipsits, pingel (It is impossible to seperate them)

From pool c: ggurckis and rrognlie and if ychen will win game c15 agains ggurckis we cannot separate him from rrognlie so then also ychen is qualified.

B-final then will be with 7 or 8 players.

We also have to await the result in game c15 before we start B-final. However, the B-Final will also start on January 19th.

The B-Final will be played as the A-Final i.e. each player will get 75 days each for every game which means 75x24x60=108000 minutes and two games with each opponent.

Tommy Maltell

January, 8

The rule of the celebration game for Meijin Kawamura

1. Both country have one player (Meijin Kawamura and Mr. Reims), one

    computer operator, one representative player, and referees. It is

    allowable to be the same person between the computer operator and the

    representative player. Time referee must be included in the referees.

 2. The playing program will be described as shown under.

  (1) There are real boards in both country. 

      And one player plays his move on this real board.

  (2) The representative player see the player's move and indicate to

      the operator of the player's move. 

  (3) The operator operate the computer to move correctly. 

  (4) After few minutes , another player's move is displayed in the

      screen of the computer. 

  (5) The operator indicate to the representative player of another

      player's move. 

  (6) The representative player move the another player's move on the

      real board and start the players clock. 

  (7) The player think and move , and back to (1).

 3. Both player have 40 seconds for one move from the start to the

    end. Every move must play within 40 seconds. But the communication

    and operation time is not included in that time. So the player's

    time (40 seconds) means from the representative player's move was

    played on the real board , till the player's move was played on

    the real board. 

 4. Tentative black will be decided by the server computer. 

 5. If there are any troubles during the play, we talk with via


 6. There is an event during the game. The event is "next move

    expectation game", ("Tsugi no itte" by Japanese), only in Japan. 

    This event is that the audience expect the move before any

    player's move. But the move must be finished in any way within 40

    seconds. So when the player is Meijin Kawamura, he plays his move

    on the paper, and the paper is kept by referee. When the player is

    Mr. Reims, he plays his move normally and sends this move via

    internet. The screen will be hidden in Japan. After audience's

    expectation, player's real move is opened (show paper or open the

    sheet in front of the screen) and is moved by referee. And then

    the game continues. .... The game will be intermited twice by this

    event. And both intermission will take several minutes. 

Sincerely yours,

Norio Nishizono from KYOTO JAPAN.

Japan news

10th Kyoto-Ohisen tournament has finished. Mr. Hasegawa defended title. Result: 1st game draw(I11) 2nd game Nara won (D11) 3rd game Hasegawa won (I11) 4th game draw(D11) Totaly,Hasegawa defended the Ohi title for the 4th time. Done the 4th game was the first time during Ohisen. The rule has been decided that if 4th game is draw Ohi title is kept.

Friendly Yours, Norihiko Kawamura

January, 3

Results from the Final in the Swedish Cup:

Stefan Karlsson - Ingvar Sundling 3 - 0

The 10th tournament for the Petersburg Cup is finished.

This is the Second time Viktor ALEKSANDROV becomes the owner of that Cup. He won in the final match against Pavel Salnikov. Result:

Viktor Aleksandrov - Pavel Salnikov 2.5 - 1.5

Renju match on Internet: Norihiko Kawamura - Aldis Reims

will be played on January-14th at 10.00 Latvian time (in Japan 17.00 and in Sweden 9.00).

Old news from the period July - December 1995

Old news from the period January - June 1995