Game Statistics of RIF Rule

All kinds of statistics about games are given here. This page is updated automatically.

World Championship QT, 2007

OpeningGames%Black winWhite winDrawsSwaps
d111721.3% 635.3% 741.2% 423.5% 423.5%
d31620% 637.5% 743.8% 318.8% 531.3%
i8810% 562.5% 337.5% 00% 675%
d8810% 450% 337.5% 112.5% 675%
i578.8% 00% 685.7% 114.3% 00%
i956.3% 120% 480% 00% 360%
d745% 125% 375% 00% 4100%
i1133.8% 266.7% 133.3% 00% 3100%
i322.5% 2100% 00% 00% 2100%
i1222.5% 150% 150% 00% 2100%
d522.5% 2100% 00% 00% 150%
d1022.5% 2100% 00% 00% 150%
d1222.5% 150% 150% 00% 150%
i711.3% 00% 1100% 00% 1100%
d211.3% 00% 00% 1100% 1100%