Game Statistics of RIF Rule

All kinds of statistics about games are given here. This page is updated automatically.

European Championship, 1994

OpeningGames%Black winWhite winDrawsSwaps
i112017.2% 1155% 525% 420% 1260%
i101815.5% 738.9% 633.3% 527.8% 1055.6%
i61412.1% 750% 642.9% 17.1% 1071.4%
i9108.6% 660% 220% 220% 660%
d997.8% 222.2% 555.6% 222.2% 444.4%
i1276% 457.1% 342.9% 00% 342.9%
i365.2% 466.7% 233.3% 00% 466.7%
d1165.2% 233.3% 466.7% 00% 116.7%
i854.3% 360% 240% 00% 360%
d643.4% 375% 125% 00% 375%
d1243.4% 250% 250% 00% 375%
d332.6% 00% 3100% 00% 00%
d832.6% 00% 266.7% 133.3% 133.3%
i121.7% 00% 2100% 00% 00%
d221.7% 2100% 00% 00% 2100%
i210.9% 1100% 00% 00% 1100%
i510.9% 1100% 00% 00% 00%
d110.9% 1100% 00% 00% 00%