_____________________________________________________________________ Renju Newsletter No 40, 2005-12-10 Highlights - THE RESULT OF 3RD AND 4TH GAME OF JAPANESE MEIJIN MATCH _____________________________________________________________________ THE RESULT OF 3RD AND 4TH GAME OF JAPANESE MEIJIN MATCH The 43th Japanese Meijin Match was held. The result was following; <3rd game> Kawamura-Hasegawa 0-1 I12 at 32th move Hasegawa chose I12 and played the same tactics as Meijinsen-tournament. Kawamura changed the move at 9th. Hasegawa made a little weak protection. So Kawamura had almost won. However, Kawamura missed VCF and lost the game. <4th game> Hasegawa-Kawamura 1/2-1/2 D8 at 86th move Kawamura selected D8 opening and Hasegawa chose black. Kawamura tried to find a good protection. But Hasegawa made a good attacking. Hasegawa had a big advantage and attacking. Kawamura had not missed any move and finally got a draw. The total score is 2-1-1. The final game will be held 28th of next January. If next game is draw, Hasegawa will be a Meijin. Norihiko Kawamura
_____________________________________________________________________ Renju Newsletter No 39, 2005-12-06 Highlights - PRELIMINARY INFORMATION ABOUT TWC _____________________________________________________________________ PRELIMINARY INFORMATION ABOUT TWC I am sending some preliminary information about TWC. Right now 7 teams have showed interest to take part - 2 russian, 2 estonian, Japanese, Swedish, Finnish. I am waiting news about more teams :) Friendly, Ants Team World Championship will held in Tallinn Hobbycenter "Kullo" (Mustamae tee 59), from April 29. till May 5. 2006. Preliminary schedule: Apr. 29, arrival day, Opening Ceremony Apr. 30.-May 4. or May 5 (depending of tournament system). - rounds May 4. or 5. Closing Ceremony and departure Registration of teams: We ask to registrate countries their teams before February 1. to know how many teams will take part. List of members of teams can be sent later. Countries who need visa to enter to Estonia please send following datas us before March 1.: 1. Full name (s) and previous names 2. Place and time of birth 3. Passport number (no other passport information is needed) 4. Full home address 5. Sex Accomodation and other costs: Players will be accomodated to hostel "Merevaik" (Tallinn, Sopruse 182) to doublerooms. Maximumcosts for one person including accomodation and organised food (breakfast, lunch and supper) will be 150 EUR per whole period (Apr. 29-May 5.), but we are working to find sponsors and we hope to cover at least part of Your costs. Tournament system. Exact tournament system will be decided after February. Most probably we will have 6-12 teams. I suggest following tournament systems: In case of 6 teams - Round Robin + Semifinals and Finals (totally 9 rounds) In case of 7 teams - Round Robin + Finals (totally 9 rounds) In case of 8 teams - Round Robin + Finals (totally 9 rounds) In case of 9 teams - Round Robin + Finals (totally 11 rounds) In case of 10 teams - Round Robin + Finals (totally11 rounds) In case of 11 teams - Round Robin (11 rounds) In case of 12 teams - Round Robin (11 rounds) Time control will be 120 min + 30 sek per each move Contact: Ants Soosyrv +56 69 73 82, asoosyrv@hotmail.com, Ants.Soosyrv@mail.ee, myror@email.ee Some main rules about TWC, decided by RIF Sport Commision Team World Championships (TWC) Purpose: To determine the World Champion team every second year. When: To be played in April/May every even year. How: Played according to Round Robin system, dividing the teams into group/-s depending of number of participating teams. The Round Robin system can be combined with some kind of cup system. One team has four players plus one reserve player. Tie breaking rules: 1. Number of game points 2. Team match points 3. Buchholz coefficient (calculated on game points) 4. Berger coefficient (calculated on game points) 5. Personal match between teams 6. Result of 1st table 7. Result of 2nd table 8. Result of 3rd table 9. If all criteria's are the same, the teams will share the places, except when precise determination of places is required - in that case an extra game with 20 minutes per player is played between the 1st table players (in case of 2 involved teams). If the extra matches are to be played between 3 or more involved teams with same tie break criteria's, the referee will decide the time limit of the games between the 1st table players. If the tie was not broken, there will be additional matches played between the 1st table players until the tie is broken. The referee decides the time limit for those matches. Who: Below, the teams that are allowed to take part: The previous TWC champions generate one country team place One team from each country The organizing country has the right to participate with one extra team regardless of how many teams they have from above. Times: Thinking times are 2 hours or slightly more per player, without control moves. Extra time, 30 minutes per 30 moves continuously, or similar.
_____________________________________________________________________ Renju Newsletter No 38, 2005-11-26 Highlights - FORUM ABOUT RENJU OPENING RULE _____________________________________________________________________ FORUM ABOUT RENJU OPENING RULE As you all know from RIF General Assembly protocol from August 2005 (or heard from your country's representative), RIF decided in the Assembly that everybody has the right to propose a renju opening rule and send the proposal to RIF Rules Commission before December 31, 2005. Since that meeting until today, we have added 3 more rules to the list. We now have 6 rules there. But perhaps there is still some great ideas which nobody has not thought of yet. Thats why we encourage you to join a discussion in the special Forum: http://renju.compute.com.tw/~renjuclass/cgi-bin/forum/forums.cgi?forum=25 You can propose the new rules there or comment others' proposals. Our sincere hope is that all the renju countries will reach an agreement before the May 2006, when RIF General Assembly comes together, in order to vote for the new opening rule. Below is the introduction from that Forum: This forum topic is opened by the initiative of RIF Rules Commission. The purpose of this forum topic is to publish everybody's suggestions about new opening rules and give others the opportunity to write comments, pointing out the advantages and disadvantages. Everybody may write a new rule suggestion, following the posting standard of the first 5 rules of this forum. Everybody can become a member of this forum for free. Furthermore, this specific topic "Renju Opening Rules" does not require membership. But please write your real name and contact information if you are the one who proposes an opening rule. The New Rules proposals can be added until December 31, 2005. After that, there will be no possiblity to add any new proposals, and the discussion will focus on these proposals which are published before that deadline. In May 2006, the RIF General Assembly will choose one of the proposals from this list. After that the chosen opening rule will become the official RIF opening rule. If you want to propose an opening rule which would be considered seriously by Renju International Federation, then try to make the rule which would meet the requirements below: - the new rule should not be very different from the current rule (the smaller is the change, the better) - the new rule should give much more playable (balanced) variants than the current rule - it should be fair to both players (one player should not have too big "home preparation" advantage) - it should be easy for beginners - it should include all or nearly all the existing theory - the first move should be in the center Welcome to the Forum!! Ando Meritee
_____________________________________________________________________ Renju Newsletter No 37, 2005-11-12 Highlights - NEWS FROM RUSSIAN FIRST LEAGUE - RESULTS FROM CHAMPIONSHIP URAL SIBIRIA REGION _____________________________________________________________________ NEWS FROM RUSSIAN FIRST LEAGUE Now the XIV Open Tournament of Russian First League is going on in Nizny Novgorod. 52 players started to play on November 7 by 11-round Swiss System. Standings of those who have 4 and more points after 6 rounds: 1. Purk Andry (Tallinn) 6 23,0 2. Artemyev Sergej (St.Petersburg) 5 23,0 3. Klimashin ?lexandr (St.Petersburg) 5 21,0 4. Lents Johann (Tallinn) 5 20,5 5. Kareyev Vladislav (N.Novgorod) 4.5 20,0 6. Nikonov Konstantin (Electrostal) 4.5 18,0 7. Kozhin Mikhail (Dubna) 4.5 14,5 8. Lysakov Mikhail (Podyuga) 4 24,0 9. Berezin Roman (N.Novgorod) 4 22,0 10. Nekrasov Yevgeny (Podyuga) 4 21,0 -------------------------------------------------- 11. Filinov Vladimir (St.Petersburg) 4 19,0 12. Serdyukov Yevgeny (Podyuga) 4 18,5 13. Krayeva Tatyana (Podyuga) 4 16,0 Most interesting results: Kozhin - Merkulov (Podyuga) - 0:1 (round 1) Kareyev - Balabhai (St.Petersburg) - 0.5:0.5 (round 2) Lents - Salnikova (St.Petersburg) - 0:1 (round 2) Lysakov - Klimashin - 1:0 (round 3) Berezin - Kareyev - 1:0 (round 3) Nikonov - Karasyov (N.Novgorod) - 0:1 (round 4) Purk - Artemyev - 1:0 (round 6) According to final standings top 10 participants will get the right to play in Open Russian High League, which will be held in the end of February, 2006. Friendly, Pavel Salnikov _____________________________________________________________________ RESULTS FROM CHAMPIONSHIP URAL, SIBIRIA REGION OF GOMOKU AND RENJU. PLAYED IN RUSSIA' NOVOSIBIRSK On 4-6. NOVEMBER Gomoku -tournament. 10 players took part. 9 rounds was played. 1. Lomakin Mikhail Tyumen 9 points 2. Drozov Vladimir Pervouralsk 6,5 3. Vinokurzev Viktor Burjatia 6,5 4. Smirnov Anatoly Pervouralsk 6,5 5. Kovalenko Maruna Tyumen 5 6. Pushkarev Dmitry Tyumen 4 7. Lebedev Eygeny Bysk 3 8. Yakovlev Igor Lesosibirsk 2 9. Manikov Alekhey Novosibirsk 1,5 10. Alexeev Viktor Bysk 1 Renju -tournament. 10 players took part. 7 rounds was played. 1. Kolesnikov Alexey Tomsk 6 points 2. Vinikurzev Viktor Burjatia 4,5 3. Drozdov Vladimir Pervoeralsk 4,5 4. Sakhapov Albert Tomsk 4 5. Lomakin Mikhail Tyumen 4 6. Pushkarev Dmitry Tyumen 3 7. Kurochkin Viktor Tomsk 2,5 8. Kovalenko Marina Tyumen 2,5 9. Smirnov Anatoly Pervouralsk 2,5 10. Kalashnik Sergey Tomsk 1,5 RESULTS FROM CHAMPIONSHIP NOVOSIBIRSK OF GOMOKU 4 players took part. 6 rounds was played. 1. Manikov Alekhey 5 points 2. Timofeev Petr 3 3. Lutyui Grigory 3 4. Yurganov Vladimir 1 Saranchin Alexander, The Manager of The Renju and Gomoku Federation of Russia
_____________________________________________________________________ Renju Newsletter No 36, 2005-11-06 Highlights - SOME NEWS FROM ESTONIA - FREEWARE RENJU PROGRAM _____________________________________________________________________ SOME NEWS FROM ESTONIA Tallinn Open 2005 will held December 28.-30. in Tallinn Hobbycentre "Kullo", Mustamae street 59. Playing rules are "Taraguchi", similar with Tarannikov, but after 4th move another player has right except swap or adding 5th stones to add also 5 alternative 5th moves, after that first player who played 4th move cant swap any more and game will continue. This rule is good in case of far 4th move. We will play 8 rounds in Swiss system. Exact time-table will be published later. Time control is 50 min per player + 30 sec per each move. Tournament fee is 5 EUR per player. Right now players from China, Russia, Finland, Sweden and Estonia are going to take part. Players from other countries are welcome too of course :) Attention! Players who need visa, should send us following datas as soon as possible: 1. Full name 2. Place and time of birth 3. Passport number (no other passport information is needed) 4. Full home address 5. Sex Making of invitaiton in Department of Migration in Tallinn might take 30 days, after that You can apply for visa, so please be hurry! Invitation costs 10 EUR, most probably players need to cover these costs theirselves. Contact: asoosyrv@hotmail.com, Ants.Soosyrv@mail.ee, myror@email.ee, +37256697382 You are welcome to Tallinn! Results of Estonian Championship, played in Karepa October 1.-2.: 1. Timo Ilu 5,5 2. Ants Soosyrv 4,5 3. Johann Lents 4 4. Aivo Oll 3 5. Kaia Kolk 2 6. Renee Pajuste 2 7. Iisak Virma As You see many strong players didnt play. For Timo it was 3rd big success in this year - he won also Baltic League and Helsinki Open. Estonian delegation - Ando Meritee, Marje Mets, Ants Soosyrv visited Shanghai in October. We met leaders and players of local club. It was really nice and warm welcome from part of Shanghai club. We talked about future cooperation and hope that Shanghai club players can participate in Tallinn Open and other big Estonian tournaments and estonians will join Shanghai invited tournaments. Friendly, Ants _____________________________________________________________________ FREEWARE RENJU PROGRAM I'm doing this game just for the love of this game. It's popular when I was in China. After I migrated to Australia, I was thinking about introducing it to australians. So I wrote the little program for my friends to try. The responses are amazingly good. So I made up my mind to make a freeware and publish it online. My website is: http://www.liangsoftware.com or http://web.aanet.com.au/junl Get started for beginners: 1. The program is easy to install. Just follow the setup wizard. 2. After installed, Beginners can just leave all options to default. 3. Click menu "Game", users can choose start a game in many different modes underneath the menu. 4. Users can use either mouse (left button) or keyboard (directional keys plus Enter key) to place a stone. About future development: 1. I want the software to be smarter and smarter. That’s the main challenge to me. 2. I want to add online playing function so that users can play each other. 3. I’d like to include some classical games played in world championship so that the users can appreciate some high level games. 4. I also want to write PDA & Cell phone version but it’s a low priority. Best regards, Jun Liang
_____________________________________________________________________ Renju Newsletter No 35, 2005-10-16 Highlights - THE RESULT OF 1ST AND 2ND GAME OF JAPANESE MEIJIN MATCH _____________________________________________________________________ THE RESULT OF 1ST AND 2ND GAME OF JAPANESE MEIJIN MATCH The 43th Japanese Meijin Match was held. The result was following; <1st game> Hasegawa-Kawamura 1-0 D11 at 53rd move Hasegawa had analyzed deeply D11 variation and won by black. Until 20th move, it was same as the 1st game of last year (Yamaguchi-Kawamura). Hasegawa showed the best move at 21th, Kawamura could not find any good protection after that. <2nd game> Hasegawa-Kawamura 0-1 D3 at 36th move Hasegawa selected D3 opening and Kawamura chose white. Kawamura tried to attack at 10, 16 and 18th move. Hasegawa made a bad move at 19. Kawamura attacked from 20 and won by double-three prohibited. The total score is 1-1. The 3rd game will be held 3rd of December, 4th game will be held 4th of December. Norihiko Kawamura
_____________________________________________________________________ Renju Newsletter No 34, 2005-10-02 Highlights - INVITATION TO OPEN SWEDISH TEAM CHAMPIONSHIP _____________________________________________________________________ INVITATION TO OPEN SWEDISH TEAM CHAMPIONSHIP See http://renju.nu/tournaments/OpenSTC2005.pdf
_____________________________________________________________________ Renju Newsletter No 33, 2005-10-02 Highlights - HELSINKI OPEN 2005 RESULTS _____________________________________________________________________ HELSINKI OPEN 2005 RESULTS Helsinki Open, the 2nd tournament of Nordic Renju Cup, was played 24.-25. September. The playing rule was Jonsson rule. Swiss system with 7 rounds as played, time control 40min/player. Results: Place Name 1. Timo Ilu 6 33.0 2. Johann Lents 6 28.0 3. Tunnet Taimla 5 28.0 4. Ants Soosyrv 5 26.0 5. Andry Purk 5 23.0 6. Stefan Karlsson 4 32.0 7. Marko Pellikka 4 30.0 8. Samuli Saarenpää 4 28.0 9. Aivo Oll 4 25.0 10. Irene Karlsson 4 21.0 11. Jussi Ikonen 3 22.0 12. Kala Haivonen 3 21.0 13. Peter Jonsson 2 27.0 14. Jari Ikonen 2 21.0 15. Eevert Kokkonen 2 18.0 16. Erki Nukk 2 18.0 17. Chrislyn Kikkas 1 22.0 18. Eelis Kokkonen 1 18.0 Johann won Timo, but lost to Tunnet. He had to accept 2nd place for the second time in a row, since he lost tournament title last year also with coefficients. All the games will be published during this or next week on NRC website http://nrc.renju.fi along with updated NRC standings. Timo has now won both tournaments, and in Tallinn Open he might easily become the 1st NRC champion. The Finnish Federation wishes to give special thanks to Eila Huhtinen, the former principal of Kotinummi school, where we played. Without her help, this year's tournament would have been cancelled. We owe her so much. Best wishes, Samuli Saarenpää samuli@renju.fi
_____________________________________________________________________ Renju Newsletter No 32, 2005-09-24 Highlights - SWEDISH CHAMPIONSHIP IN GOMOKU 2005 - 43RD JAPANESE MEIJINSEN TOURNAMENT - PROTOCOL FROM GENERAL ASSEMBLY MEETING - WETTERCUPEN NOV 12-13 2005 _____________________________________________________________________ SWEDISH CHAMPIONSHIP IN GOMOKU 2005 The Swedish Championship in Gomoku was played in Hogsjo 17-18 September. Players from Ornskoldsvik in the north to Lund in the south took part as well as Kjetil Nossum from Norway. Stefan Karlsson was favourite of course and he proved that he was the best player in this tournament. He won all games he started and only dropped points after drawing 2-2 with Anders Bertilsson and Petter Lindholm. Elin Dahlin was best among the girls with 9th place. Anders Bertilsson Points Qual. SB 1. Stefan Karlsson Stockholm 8.0 46.5 44.50 2. Anders Bertilsson Hogsjo 6.5 48.5 37.00 3. Petter Lindholm Lund 6.5 48.0 34.50 4. Bjorn Lind Stockholm 6.5 44.5 31.50 5. Tomas Hagenfors Kumla 6.0 45.5 30.75 6. Richard Sandstrom Jonkoping 5.5 44.0 26.25 7. Peter Jonsson Jonkoping 5.5 44.0 24.25 8. Fredrik Ternerot Lund 5.5 43.5 25.75 9. Elin Dahlin Stockholm 5.0 45.0 22.00 10. Kjetil Nossum Norge 5.0 41.5 19.25 11. Irene Karlsson Stockholm 5.0 39.5 20.50 12. Joel Hallqvist Helsingborg 5.0 38.0 19.50 13. Marcus Eriksson Hogsjo 4.5 42.5 18.75 14. Kristian Thorn Helsingborg 4.5 40.0 15.25 15. Hans Sjostedt Marsta 4.5 37.5 16.25 16. Nathalie Hallkvist Helsingborg 4.5 30.5 10.00 17. Tomas Persson Orebro 4.0 40.0 15.50 18. Magnus Eriksson Hogsjo 4.0 36.0 14.25 19. Anette Jonsson Helsingborg 4.0 35.0 11.50 20. Johan Bjornemalm Orebro 4.0 31.0 10.00 21. Linus Andersson Hogsjo 4.0 27.5 8.00 22. Carl Hermansson Hogsjo 3.5 37.0 14.00 23. Asa Brandt Strangnas 3.5 34.0 10.00 24. Henrik Soderberg Ornskoldsvik 3.0 31.5 6.00 25. Isac Hermansson Hogsjo 3.0 30.0 6.25 26. Eric Hansson Karna 3.0 29.5 6.50 27. Joakim Strom Hogsjo 1.5 29.0 2.00 28. Emma Warner Stockholm 0.5 30.0 1.50 _____________________________________________________________________ 43RD JAPANESE MEIJINSEN TOURNAMENT The result of the 43rd Japanese Meijinsen tournament is following; (it was held from 17 to 19 of September) W-L-D 1. K.Hasegawa 8-1 2. Y.Yamaguchi 6-2-1 3. H.Okabe 6-2-1 -------------------- 4. J.Takashima 5-3-1 5. Y.Kamo 4-4-1 6. S.Ishitani 3-4-2 7. H.Matsuura 3-6 8. K.Sato 3-6 8. K.Tanaka. 2-5-2 10. K.Kawate 1-8 Hasegawa won the Meijinsen tournament 11times! The Meijin Match between Kawamura and Hasegawa will be held from 8th and 9th of October. Norihiko Kawamura _____________________________________________________________________ PROTOCOL FROM GENERAL ASSEMBLY MEETING http://www.renju.nu/GA2005/RIFmeetingTallinnProtocol.htm _____________________________________________________________________ WETTERCUPEN NOV 12-13 2005 The Renju Club of Jonkoping invites everybody to Wettercupen. On Nov 12 it is a 7 round Swiss tournament deciding what players who will enter the cup (quarters, semis and final) on Nov 13. Players who not enter the cup play a Swiss/Round Robin tournament on Nov 13 for deciding the places 9 and down. Official RIF rules. Time is 30 min with a draw after 100 moves except in the cup where the time is 60 min, also with draw after 100 moves. If a game in the cup ends draw, a blitz game (5 min) will be played. All players in the cup play three games for deciding places 1-8. No tournament fee for foreign players. Most likely we can help with free accommodation for our guests from abroad. On the evening of Nov 12 it will be a special celebration party because the club will celebrate its 25th birthday. Tommy Maltell will show many interesting things from the past 25 years. Welcome Peter Jonsson, Organizer petejonsson@hotmail.com
_____________________________________________________________________ Renju Newsletter No 31, 2005-08-28 Highlights - HELSINKI OPEN 2005 RESTORED _____________________________________________________________________ HELSINKI OPEN 2005 RESTORED It is my great pleasure to announce Helsinki Open 2005 restored. Former principle of Kotinummi School, Eila Huhtinen agreed to help us with organizing the tournament. With her help we are once again able to arrange this traditional tournament in Helsinki. The renju tournament will be played during two days (24.-25.9.2005). Time limit is 50 min per player per game and total 7 rounds will be played. The signup fee is 5 € per player. Ants is the main referee for the renju tournament. The renju tournament is part of Nordic Renju Cup 2005 (www.nrc.renju.fi) and it will be played with following rules suggested by RIF president Peter Jonsson: 1. First player puts an opening, three moves 2. Possibility to swap for second player 3. "White player" put stone 4 and tells the number of fifth moves that will be used (1, 2 or 3 fifth alternatives). 4. Next player has a possibility to swap 5. "Black player" put as many alternative fifth stones as mentioned 6. "White player" chooses one of them and continues with playing a stone of his/her own. 7. Players keep playing one stone at each turn. Also two gomoku tournaments are played, one for each day. There is no signup fee at Gomoku tournaments. Please see the results, pictures, and games from past Helsinki Open tournaments at www.renju.fi and join the biggest renju event in Finland this year! For more information, please contact Jussi Ikonen (jussi@renju.fi) or Samuli Saarenpää (samuli@renju.fi) See you at Helsinki! Yours, Jussi Ikonen chairman, Suomen Renju ry jussi@renju.fi www.renju.fi
_____________________________________________________________________ Renju Newsletter No 30, 2005-08-21 Highlights - NEWS FROM ESTONIA - HELSINKI OPEN 2005 CANCELLED _____________________________________________________________________ NEWS FROM ESTONIA Full tables of World Championship are available in World Championship page (www.renju.ee/wc, game records) July 26.-29. we had Youth Mind Sport Festival in Tallinn. July 26. also renju tournament was played, 6 rounds, Swiss system. Results: 1. Tunnet Taimla (EST) 5,5 2. Timo Ilu (EST) 4,5 3. Konstantin Chingin (RUS) 4 4. Johann Lents (EST) 4 5. Yulia Savrasova (RUS) 4 6. Andry Purk (EST) 4 7. Maciej Nowakowski (POL) 4 8. Maria Pestereva (RUS) 4 9. Viktoria Rachitskaya (RUS) 3,5 10. Joel Hallkvist (SWE) 3,5 11. Rickard Sandström (SWE) 3 12. Egor Serdyukov (RUS) 3 13. Glen Liventaal (EST) 3 14. Nikolai Maksimov (RUS) 3 15. Linnea Widman (SWE) 3 16. Tiina Klooster (EST) 2 17. Tauri Purk (EST) 2 18. Siim Sepman (EST) 2 19. Tatyana Kraeva (RUS) 2 20. Kaia Kolk (EST) 2 21. Paul Väljataga (EST) 2 22. Mark Kuusk (EST) 2 23. Karin Klooster (EST) 1 Aug. 11.- 16. Karepa Open 2005 was played. This time we had "Taraguchi" rules. These are similar with "´Tarannikov" rules, but after 4th move second players has right to put 5 fifth moves and in that case first player can not swap any more. 7 rounds, Swiss system 1. Ando Meritee (EST) 7 2. Johann Lents (EST) 6 3. Alexandr Klimashin (RUS) 5 (33) 4. Vladimir Sushkov (RUS) 5 (26) 5. Andry Purk (EST) 4 (33) 6. Pavel Ses (RUS) 4 (29,5) 7. Ivan Zubachenko (RUS) 4 (25,5) 8. Konstantin Chingin (RUS) 4 (25) 9. Mikk Oblikas (EST) 4 (23,5) 10. Stefan Karlsson (SWE) 4 (19,5) 11. Ilya Gerasimov (RUS) 3 (29,5) 12. Alvar Timmermann (EST) 3 (28,5) 13. Nadezhda Timokhina (RUS) 3 (22,5) 14. Rauni Lillemets (EST) 3 (21) 15. Sander Sulane (EST) 3 (20) 16. Peeter Kolk (EST) 2,5 (22,5) 17. Andrei Serdyuk (RUS) 2,5 (17,5) 18. Dmitri Smirnov (RUS) 1,5 19. Siim Sepman (EST) 1 20. Mart Kullamaa (EST) 0,5 We had 2 really sensational results - Timmermann beat Chingin and Kolk Karlsson. Mertiee beat Lents, Klimashin, Purk and Chingin. Lents beat Klimashin and Purk, Klimashin won against Sushkov, Purk against Sushkov and Karlsson, Sushkov against Chingin. Aug. 10. also blitztournament with 15 players was played. Ando won with 13 points (only loss against Tunnet) 2. Sushkov 12 (losses against Ando and Tunnet) 3. Tunnet 11 4. Chingin 11 5. Andry 11. Friendly, Ants _____________________________________________________________________ HELSINKI OPEN 2005 CANCELLED The Finnish Federation regretfully informs, that the planned Helsinki Open will not be played. Our partnerschool will no longer be co-working with us after many wonderful years. We are currently negotiating about keeping a tournament in late November in the city of Tampere. We may get final decision about our new partner already during next week. We will inform you immediately, when we get final information about the details of this possible tournament, that would in the future replace Helsinki Open. We are sorry for any inconvience, that our problems might have caused. We hope many of you will join us, if we get the tournament place. Best wishes, Samuli Saarenpää samuli@renju.fi
_____________________________________________________________________ Renju Newsletter No 29, 2005-07-28 Highlights - SUGGESTION OF TOURNAMENT RULES FOR WORLD CHAMPIONSHIPS - ESTONIA IS CANDIDATE FOR TEAM WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP 2006 - UPDATED TOURNAMENT LIST _____________________________________________________________________ SUGGESTION OF TOURNAMENT RULES FOR WORLD CHAMPIONSHIPS To be presented for General Assembly in Tallinn in August 2005. See http://www.renju.nu/GA2005/WorldChampionshipsTournamentRules.pdf ESTONIA IS CANDIDATE FOR TEAM WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP 2006 Earlier has been announced that Korea is candidate. Who will organize TWC 2006 will be decided at General Assembly in Tallinn during World Championships in August 2005. UPDATED TOURNAMENT LIST The official Tournament list of RIF has been updated with tournaments September - December 2005. See http://renju.nu/tournaments/Tourn2005.txt
_____________________________________________________________________ Renju Newsletter No 28, 2005-07-24 Highlights - RESULTS OF RENJU YOUTH EUROPEAN CHAMPIONSHIP _____________________________________________________________________ RESULTS OF RENJU YOUTH EUROPEAN CHAMPIONSHIP Renju Youth European Championship is finished. It was interesting battle what hold in Syrgavere, in small village in the middle of Estonia, July 15.-20. Results were following: Gr.A 1. Konstantin Chingin (RUS) 8 (from 9 games) 2. Andry Purk (EST) 7,5 3. Johann Lents (EST) 7,5 4. Egor Serdyukov (RUS) 5,5 5. Rickard Sandstrom (SWE) 5 6. Maciej Nowakowski (POL) 5 7. Pawel Nowak (POL) 3,5 8. Siim Sepman (EST) 2 9. Mart Kullamaa (EST) 1 10. Martin Leis (EST) 0 Leaders Chingin and Lents met in 7th round and made draw. In 8th round Purk beat Lents. Chingin needed at least draw in last round against Purk and he made it and got champion title again! Purk was beaten in first round by Serdyukov. gr.B 1. Tunnet Taimla (EST) 11 (out of 11) 2. Timo Ilu (EST) 9,5 3. Alexandr Kadulin (RUS) 9 4. Mikhail Lisakov (RUS) 8,5 5. Mikk Oblikas (EST) 7 6. Maxim Merkulov (RUS) 5 (59,5) 7. Alvar Timmermann (EST) 5 (59) 8. Sander Sulane (EST) 5 (56) 9. Nikolay Maximov (RUS) 4 (65) 10. Joel Hallkvist (SWE) 4 (61) 11. Ergo Kaljuste (EST) 3 (67) 12. Sergey Romanov (RUS) 3 (62) 13. Peeter Kolk (EST) 2 14. Paul Väljataga (EST) 1 gr. C In this group first Round Robin was played and later 1.-4. and 5.-8. made Round Robin separately. All points were counted in. First 7 players were from Russia. One of the main favorite Roman Kriuchok failed in this tournament and couldnt enter into top 4. 1. Artyom Merkulov 9 2. Egor Solovyev 7 3. Ruslan Savrasov 6 4. Yurij Tumanov 5 ----------------------- 5. Roman Kriuchok 6,5 6. Ruslan Prokopiev 4 7. Vladislav Serov 1,5 8. Iisak Virma (EST) 1 gr. D 1. Yulia Savrasova (RUS) 9 (out of 9) 2. Linnea Widman (SWE) 5 3. Karin Klooster (EST) 3 4. Chrislyn Kikkas (EST) 1 gr. E Double Round Robin was played. 4 first players were from Russia 1. Tatyana Kraeva 8 (out of 8) 2. Maria Pestereva 4 (extragame 1-0) 3. Viktoriya Rachitskaya 4 4.-5. Tatyana Lebedeva and Kaia Kolk (EST) 2 gr. F 4 times Round Robin was played: 1. Anastasia Oborina (RUS) 9 2. Yulia Litvinova (RUS) 7 3. Olesia Novozhilova (RUS) 5 4. Eleri Kaljuste (EST) 3 Friendly, Ants
_____________________________________________________________________ Renju Newsletter No 27, 2005-07-19 Highlights - YOUTH EUROPEAN CHAMPIONSHIP AND OTHER NEWS FROM ESTONIA - RESULTS FROM OPEN CHAMPIONSHIP BYSK (ALTAY REGION) OF GOMOKU _____________________________________________________________________ YOUTH EUROPEAN CHAMPIONSHIP AND OTHER NEWS FROM ESTONIA Youth European Championship is going in Syrgavere, Estonia. In gr. A 10 players from 4 countries - Russia, Poland, Sweden, Estonia are taking part. After 5 rounds Konstantin Chingin and Johann Lents are leading with 5 points. However Chingin could easily lose against another Russian player Serdyukov and Lents against Swedish player Sandstrom. In gr. B 14 players from Russia, Sweden and Estonia are playing. After 6 rounds standings are following: 1. Tunnet Taimla 6 points 2.-3. Timo Ilu and Mikhail Lisakov 4,5 4. Kadulin 4 Taimla and Kadulin - current World champion and current European champion met already in the first round. Unfortunately Kadulin made big mistake in opening and lost very quickly. Tunnet have beated also Ilu and Lisakov. Gr. C - 8 players from Russia and Estonia are taking part, 6 have played: 1. Artyom Merkulov (Russia) 5,5 2. Egor Solovyev (Russia) 4,5 3.-4. Ruslan Savrasov, Yurij Tumanov (Russia) 4 Gr.D 4 girls are taking part, after double Round Robin situation is following (they will play one more Round Robin): 1. Yulia Savrasova 6 (what a surprise :) ) 2. Linnea Widman 3 Gr. E 5 girls are playing double Round Robin: 1. Tatyana Kraeva 5 points (5) 2. Viktoriya Rachitskaya 4 Gr. F 4 girls are playing 4 times Round Robin, after 7 rounds situation is following: 1. Anastasia Oborina 6 2. -3. Novozhilova and Litvinova 3 Some information about World Championship. Now its clear that we can use questhouse "Paasu" during July 28.-30. as well, also earlier who need. In "Paasu" will stay some swedish players already from July 25., Japanese and Taiwanese delegations from July 27. Its possible to get places in hostel "Merevaik" before July 28. as well but people who need it should apply it quite quickly. Karepa Open - whole camp will held Aug. 10.-17., tournament with "Tarannikov" rules will be played Aug. 11.-14. Chingin, Klimashin, Karlsson and some unknown estonian players (Meritee, Taimla and others) Friendly, Ants _____________________________________________________________________ RESULTS FROM OPEN CHAMPIONSHIP BYSK (ALTAY REGION) OF GOMOKU PLAYED IN RUSSIA' BYSK. On 16. JULY 6 players took part. 10 rounds was played. 1. Gruzdev Alexander Bysk 9,5 point 4 dan 2. Lomakin Mikhail Tyumen 7,5 7 dan 3. Alekseev Viktor Bysk 4,5 3 dan 4. Lomakin Gennady Bysk 4 1 dan 5. Khabarov V Bysk 3 1 kyu 6. Lomakina Olga Tyumen 1,5 2 kyu Saranchin Alexander, The Maneger of The Renju and Gomoku Federation of Russia
_____________________________________________________________________ Renju Newsletter No 26, 2005-07-14 Highlights - AGENDA FOR THE RIF GENERAL ASSEMBLY _____________________________________________________________________ AGENDA FOR THE RIF GENERAL ASSEMBLY See the following web pages: AGENDA FOR THE RIF GENERAL ASSEMBLY. AUG 4 2005. TALLIN, ESTONIA http://www.renju.nu/GA2005/AGENDA.htm RIF FINANCIAL YEARS 030701-040630 AND 040701-050630 (3 sheets) http://www.renju.nu/GA2005/FinancialReport.htm Peter Jonsson, President of RIF
_____________________________________________________________________ Renju Newsletter No 25, 2005-07-11 Highlights - ABOUT WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP _____________________________________________________________________ ABOUT WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP If you can't open http://www.renju.ee/wc, because of any reason, please try http://renju.compute.com.tw/~renju/wc/home.html It's now last time to registrate to WC. We won't accept any new registration to QT,WT and BT after July 20., even if player has right to play in QT according RIF qualification rules. We can accept only changes among national places - for example Ukrainian representative can't come and another Ukrainian player will join instead. Right now list of Qualification tournament players is following: Vladimir Sushkov (Russia) Mikhail Kozhin (Russia) Yuri Tarannikov (Russia) Yoshihiro Iio (Japan) Shin-ichi Ishitani (Japan) Makoto Yamaguchi (Japan) Yuuki Oosumi (Japan) Andrey Hramov (Uzbekistan) Boris Petrov (Uzbekistan) Oleg Kuryan (Uzbekistan) Stefan Karlsson (Sweden) Tord Andersson (Sweden) Wang Chin-Kung (Taiwan) Chen Ko-Han (Taiwan) Cheng Wei-Yuan (Taiwan) Olexander Drozd (Ukraine) Maciej Nowakowski (Poland) Eldar Dzainukov (Aserbaidjan) Nizami Eibatov (Aserbaidjan) Johann Lents (Estonia) Aivo Oll (Estonia) Andry Purk (Estonia) Timo Ilu (Estonia) is reserve player Right to play in QT thanks for high RIF rating have also Nakamura, Kawamura, Hasegawa, Nara, Kim Byong-Yun, Soosyrv, Nishizono, Klimashin, Fedorkin, Salnikov, Matsuura, Kareyev, Ooi, Veidemanis, Vershinin, Hayakawa, Kuga, Kashihara, Gaulitz. If you want to sign-up, please do it before July 20. Also please players who are in list but are not able to play, please tell it to us as soon as possible. For all players who haven't sent following data, please try to send as soon as possible: 1. Time and transport of your arrival and departure 2. Special wishes about accomodation (place and also whom you prefer to be together in room). For AT players we will play place in double room July 31.- Aug.8. in Guesthouse "Paasu". We also need to pay 50% of payment for all people who will live in Paasu 2 weeks before, so we need to be sure, who wil live there. 3. Would you like to eat organised lunch July 29.-Aug.7. Its possible in Tournament building 13.00 -15.00 every day and costs 50 EEK per lunch. For AT and WT players we will pay lunch Aug.1 - Aug.7 4. Some information about your renjucareer 5. Your expectations in WC 2005 6. Photo 7. Time of your birth 8. Your dan or kyu See you soon! Friendly, Ants contacts: Ants Soosyrv +372 56 69 73 82, asoosyrv@hotmail.com, Ants.Soosyrv@mail.ee Ando Meritee +372 51 63 114, ando@renju.net
_____________________________________________________________________ Renju Newsletter No 24, 2005-07-09 Highlights - RESULTS OF THE 2ND FINNISH CHAMPIONSHIP - HELSINKI OPEN TOURNAMENT 2005 _____________________________________________________________________ RESULTS OF THE 2ND FINNISH CHAMPIONSHIP The 2nd FC was held 2.-3.7. again at Tampere. Sadly this time only 5 players could come, so we decided to play many games: double round robin with 45min time control. The final results were: 1. Samuli Saarenpää 6p (20,5) 2. Jussi Ikonen 6p (17,5) 3. Kari Haikonen 4,5p 4. Marko Pellikka 2p 5. Lauri Toivonen 1,5p The weekend was anyway very much fun for us, and especially nice was the success of both Jussi and Kari, who had played good tournaments earlier without bigger success. Last year Tampere had 3 first places but this year Jussi and Kari took 2 trophies to Helsinki. All games can be found from our website www.renju.fi _____________________________________________________________________ HELSINKI OPEN TOURNAMENT 2005 The Finnish Federation is planning to keep the Helsinki Open tournament again this autumn. Currently, we are discussing about holding the tournament on 24.-25.9.2005 at the same school as previous years. We will keep you all informed, when we get final answer on the date, but we are talking about late September - early October most likely. The HO 2005 is the second tournament in the new Nordic Renju Cup! If you feel interested in coming, please feel free to contact me or Jussi ( jussi@renju.fi ). Best wishes, Samuli Saarenpää samuli@renju.fi
_____________________________________________________________________ Renju Newsletter No 23, 2005-07-05 Highlights - INFORMATION FROM ESTONIA - "TYUMEN MEJIN" _____________________________________________________________________ INFORMATION FROM ESTONIA Finally we have World Championship site - www.renju.ee/wc, we are trying to upgrade it often. Players, who want to come to Karepa Open - Aug. 10.-17., its time to registrate. We will play "Tarannikov" rules tournament there. Cost for Karepa is 70 EUR, including accomodation, food and transportation from Tallinn to Karepa and back. Friendly, Ants _____________________________________________________________________ "TYUMEN MEJIN" Michael Lomakin has defended the title "Tyumen mejin". Results: Lomakin-Litvinenko 2,5-1,5 Litvinenko has won the right to play such match, on results of a season, having won Grand prix. Saranchin Alexander, The Maneger of The Renju Association of Tyumen region (ARTO)
_____________________________________________________________________ Renju Newsletter No 22, 2005-06-06 Highlights - 23RD CHAMPIONSHIP OF ST.PETERSBURG, RUSSIA _____________________________________________________________________ 23RD CHAMPIONSHIP OF ST.PETERSBURG, RUSSIA The 23-rd Championship of St.Petersburg, Russia is finished. 16 participants took part in it and played by Round-Robin system. First time the title of St.Petersburg Champion was won by Viktor Balabhai! Congratulations to him! The most decisive game was played in the last round, when Nonna Salnikova won her game against Sergej Artemjev(!) and made possible for Balabhai to become the Champion. Final standings: 1. Viktor Balabhai 13 2. Sergej Artemjev 12.5 3. Ivan Zubaschenko 11 67.00 4. Pavel Salnikov 11 66.50 5. Viktor Alexandrov 10.5 6. Nonna Salnikova 10 7. Vladimir Filinov 9 8. Andrej Serdyuk 7 42.75 9. Maxim Arevkov 7 38.75 10. Pavel Ses 7 29.00 11. Konstantin Vodolazsky 6 32.00 12. Lyudvik Bushkovsky 6 30.00 13. Konstantin Strokov 4 14. Andrej Arefiev 3 15. Anton Ivashkin 2 16. Iljya Gerasimov 1 Friendly yours, Pavel Salnikov
_____________________________________________________________________ Renju Newsletter No 21, 2005-05-15 Highlights - 5 OPEN RUSSIA CHAMPIONSHIP OF GOMOKU AMONG MEN AND WOMEN. OPEN CUP URAL AND SIBIRIA RENJU - THE 2005 CHINA-KOREA FRIENDSHIP TOURNAMENT _____________________________________________________________________ 5 OPEN RUSSIA CHAMPIONSHIP OF GOMOKU AMONG MEN AND WOMEN. OPEN CUP URAL AND SIBIRIA RENJU From May 7 till May 10 two tournaments were held in Tyumen, Russia. Results 5 Open Championship Russia of Gomoku. 1 League. Men 7-8.5.05. 11 players took part. 7 rounds was played. The Swiss system. 1. Karasev Maksim N.Novgorod 8,5 point VI dan 2. Abilkenov Aman Tyumen 8 VI 3. Smirnov Anatoly Pervouralsk 6 V 4. Pushkarev Dmitry Tyumen 5,5 51.5 Bux VI 5. Prokopjev Alexander Tyumen 5,5 48 V 6. Beresin Roman N.Novgorod 5,5 47,5 IV 7. Yakovlev Igor Lesosibirsk 5 43 II 8. Dvoeglasov Vladimir Tyumen 5 41 VII 9. Ryuchkov Igor Tyumen 4,5 42 III 10. Saranchin Alexander Tyumen 4,5 38,5 VI 11. Lomakin Genady Bysk 4,5 34,5 I 12. Koreshkov Valery Gornopravdinsk 4 36,5 V 13. Nikolaev Oleg Tyumen 4 34 VI 14. Misernyuk Oleg Tyumen 3,5 IV 15. Tonofa Maksim Tyumen 3 40,5 III 16. Sinizin Vladimir Moskow 3 35,5 1 kyu 17. Beshanzev Vasily Chervishevo 2,5 1 kyu 18. Tzimopulos Georios Grecee 2 8 kyu 19. Belosludzev Roman Chervishevo 1,5 3 kyu 20. Nechiporuk Yaroslav Tyumen 0 Women. 16 players took part. 9 rounds was played. The Swiss system. 1. Kovalenko Marina Tyumen 8 V dan 2. Karimova Dinara Chervishevo 7 4 kyu 3. Zyrenova Marina Burjatia 6 50 Bux 4 kyu 4. Devjatkova Ekaterina Tyumen 6 47 I dan 5. Karimova Elvira Chervishevo 6 44 4 kyu 6. Zyrenova Valentina Buryatia 5 47 5 kyu 7. Melnik Anastasia Chervishevo 5 40 5 kyu 8. Yumachikova Nadia Chervishevo 5 36 6 kyu 9. Lomakina Olga Tyumen 5 33 3 kyu 10. Melnik Lidia Chervishevo 4 43 4 kyu 11. Koselskay Natalja Tyumen 4 41 6 kyu 12. Timofeeva Viktoria Buryatia 4 34 7 kyu 13. Yakovleva Tatyana Lesosibirsk 4 32 8 kyu 14. Dvoeglasova Alena Tyumen 2 37 7 kyu 15. Novozhilova Irina Njagan 1 16. Koselskay Galina Tymen 0 Girls 1. Karimova Dinara 2. Zyrenova Marina Burjatia 3. Karimova Elvira Chervishevo 4. Melnik Anastasia Chervishevo 5. Yumachikova Nadia Chervishevo 6. Lomakina Olga Tyumen 7. Melnik Lidia Chervishevo 8. Timofeeva Viktoria Buryatia 9. Yakovleva Tatyana Lesosibirsk 10. Dvoeglasova Alena Tyumen 11. Koselskay Galina Tymen 9-10 May. 5 Open Championship Russia of Gomoku. High League. Men. 12 players took part. 11 rounds was played. 1. Chernov Sergey Moskow 10 point VIII dan 2. Lomakin Mihail Tyumen 9 point VII 3. Abilkenov Aman Tyumen 7 point VI 4. Litvinenko Andrey Tyumen 6,5 point VII 5. Litvinenko Alexander Tyumen 6 point VII 6. Prokopjev Alexander Tyumen 5,5 point VI 7. Smirnov Vladimir Pervouralsk 5 point V 8. Drosdov Vladimir Pervouralsk 4,5 point VII 9. Vinokurzev Viktor Burjatia 3,5 point IV 10. Pushkarev Dmitry Tyumen 3,5 point VI 11. Saranchin Alexander Tyumen 3 point VI 12. Yakovlev Igor Lesosibirsk 2 point II 9-10 May. Open Cub Ural and Sibiria of renju. Men. 12 players took part. 7 rounds was played. The Swiss system. 1. Karasev Maksim N. Novgorod 6 point dan 2. Beresin Roman N. Novgorod 6 point III dan 3. Kovalenko Marina Tyumen III dan 4. Sinizin Vladimir Moskow 1 kyu 5. Beshanzev Vasily Chervishevo 1 kyu 6. Zyrenova Marina Burjatia 2 kyu 7. Saranchina Irina Tyumen 2 kyu 8. Devjatkova Ekaterina Tyumen 1 kyu 9. Sarancina Tatjana Tyumen 1 kyu 10. Zyrenova Valentina Burjatia 5 kyu 11. Lomakin Mikhail Tyumen III dan 12. Timofeeva Viktoria Burjatia 7 kyu Women 1 Kovalenko Marina Tyumen 2. Zirenova Marina Burjatia 3 Saranchina Irina Tyumen 4. Devjatkova Ekaterina Tyumen 5. Sarancina Tatjana Tyumen 6. Zyrenova Valentina Burjatia 7. Timofeeva Viktoria Burjatia It is significant tournament. Exactly 20 years back in Tyumen have passed the first championship on gomoku. 32 sportsmen have taken part in the anniversary championship. Among them and 4 participants of the first championship of Tyumen 1985. The very first champion of Tyumen the author, letters Alexander Saranchin was. And most Michael Lomakin 13 has champion titles. At present champion Tyumen Dmitry Pushkareva is 3 champion title. Saranchin Alexander, The Maneger of The Renju Association of Tyumen region (ARTO) _____________________________________________________________________ THE 2005 CHINA-KOREA FRIENDSHIP TOURNAMENT, BEIJING 050515 The 2005 China-Korea Friendship tournament was played in Beijing the 14:th to the 15:th of May in Beijing. The tournament was played at Fu Xue Hu Tongs. That is a 600 years old Primary school from the Ming Dynasty Period. Personally I was very happy that this tournament could take place since I have been living in Korea and China for the last 5 years. I have also tried to help the international exchange and organization for both countries. Mr.Xu Bing Ji has made a great arrangement of this tournament. China won the tournament with 12-4 The referee was very good and the time-rules were 90 minutes 1 player 1 game. Each move made during 90 minutes generates an additional 30 seconds that is used after the 90 minutes. Then the same procedure is repeated continously. The leaders of Korea and China was also present and many good and interesting discussions were held about future exchange and co-operation. The Chairman of Korean Renju Mr. Kim, Jong-Soo The Chairman of China Mr. Xu, Bing-Ji The President of RIF China, Mr. Na Wei The Korean Team Kim Byoung-Jun, 6 dan Choi Yun-Sok, 3 dan Kim Gyu-Hyeon, 3 dan Kim Hong-Soon, 1 dan Unfortunately the probably best Korean player, Park Jung-Ho, 7 dan had to cancel his participation and was replaced by Kim Hong-Soon, 1 dan The Chinese Team Mr. Cao Dong, 6 dan Mr. Zhu Jianfeng, 6 dan Mr. Wu Di, 5 dan Mr. Feng Huasheng, 5 dan Pictures from the tournament: http://www.renju.nu/china/The2005ChinaKoreaFriendshipTournament.htm 1:st round Cao Dong - Kim Hong-Soon, 1-0 Feng Huasheng - Choi Yun-Sok, 1-0 Zhu Jianfeng - Kim Gyu-Hyeon, 1-0 Wu Di - Kim Byoung-Jun, 0.5-0.5 2:nd round Cao Dong - Kim Gyu-Hyeon, 1-0 Feng Huasheng - Kim Byoung-Jun, 0.5-0.5 Zhu Jianfeng - Choi Yun-Sok, 1-0 Wu Di - Kim Hong-Soon, 1-0 3:rd round Cao Dong - Kim Byoung-Jun, 0.5-0.5 Feng Huasheng - Kim Gyu-Hyeon, 1-0 Zhu Jianfeng - Kim Hong-Soon, 1-0 Wu Di - Choi Yun-Sok, 0-1 4:th round Cao Dong - Choi Yun-Sok, 0.5-0.5 Feng Huasheng - Kim Hong-Soon, 1-0 Zhu Jianfeng - Kim Byoung-Jun, 0-1 Wu Di - Kim Gyu-Hyeon, 1-0 The atmosphere surrounding this tournamnent was very nice. With Best Regards Anders Henningsson Vice President, RIF
_____________________________________________________________________ Renju Newsletter No 20, 2005-05-06 Highlights - RUSSIAN CHAMPIONSHIP AMONG WOMEN AND RUSSIAN QUALIFICATION TO THE 9-TH WC _____________________________________________________________________ RUSSIAN CHAMPIONSHIP AMONG WOMEN AND RUSSIAN QUALIFICATION TO THE 9-TH WC From April 30 till May 4 two tournaments were held in St.Petersburg, Russia. Below you can see final standings of participants. 13-th Russian Championship among women 1. Irina Metreveli (Podyuga) 6 2. Sorokina Oksana (Podyuga) 5.5 3. Salnikova Nonna (St.Petersburg) 4.5 4. Krayeva Tatiana (Podyuga) 3.5 9.75 5. Pestereva Maria (Podyuga) 3.5 6.75 6. Melnikova Alyona (Toliatti) 2 7. Okatova Anna (Podyuga) 1.5 5.75 8. Timokhina Nadezhda (Zhigulyovsk) 1.5 2.50 Russian Qualification to the 9-th WC (Tournament of Ten) 1. Artemiev Sergej (St.Petersburg) 6.5 27.50 2. Vershinin Pavel (Vologda) 6.5 27.00 3. Salnikov Pavel (St.Petersburg) 6.5 24.75 4-5. Sushkov Vladimir (Gatchina) 6 19.75 Chingin Konstantin (Dolgoprudny) 6 19.75 6. Makarov Pavel (Moscow) 4.5 7. Nikonov Konstantin (Electrostal) 3.5 8. Balabhai Viktor (St.Petersburg) 2.5 9. Kadulin Aleksandr (Podyuga) 2 10. Volkov Sergej (Rybinsk) 1 Russia will be represented with 3 persons at AT. Finally they are: 1. Yulia Savrasova (Russian Champion) 2. Sergej Artemiev (Winner of Tournament of Ten) 3. Konstantin Chingin (best Russian player according to the results of 2-year period) Sincerely yours, Pavel Salnikov
_____________________________________________________________________ Renju Newsletter No 19, 2005-04-30 Highlights - TEAM-MATCH BETWEEN CHINA AND KOREA - RESULTS OF ESTONIAN QUALIFICATION TO WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP - FINAL - RESULTS OF GO-MOKU PROGRAMMERS TOURNAMENT GOMOCUP 2005 - EXPECTED STRUGGLE HUMAN VERSUS COMPUTER PROGRAM _____________________________________________________________________ TEAM-MATCH BETWEEN CHINA AND KOREA We are happy to announce that a Team-match will be held between China and Korea the 14:th to 15:th of May in Beijing. This has been discussed for a very long time and we are happy that this event finally will take place. This is a first important step to increase the exchange and co-operation between China and Korea in Renju. The national teams and the details about this match will be announced to public as soon as it is decided. With Best Regards Anders Henningsson, Vice President RIF Mr. Xu, Chairman of Renju, China Mr. Kim, Chairman of Renju, Korea Seoul and Beijing, 050425 _____________________________________________________________________ RESULTS OF ESTONIAN QUALIFICATION TO WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP - FINAL 1. Ando Meritee 8,5 (from 10) 2. Aivo Oll 6,5 3. Andry Purk 5,5 4. Johann Lents 5 5. Timo Ilu 4,5 6. Rauni Lillemets 0 Ando made 2 draws with Aivo and 1 with Andry. So, Ando will play in WC final, Aivo, Andry and Johann (he has personal place from last BT) in international QT. Timo is reserve player in case of odd number of players in QT Friendly, Ants _____________________________________________________________________ RESULTS OF GO-MOKU PROGRAMMERS TOURNAMENT GOMOCUP 2005 I would like announce the 6th go-moku programmers' tournament Gomocup 2005 is over, the new version of programs became even more better and stronger. The first three places are: 1. Goro (71: 9) 2. Swine (59:21) 3 Pela (51:29) Congratulations!!! Not only this go-moku brains are free to download from http://gomocup.wz.cz. If you want to play against these computer programs you need to download go-moku manager (http://web.quick.cz/lastp/src/piskvork.zip) I've found it user friendly, bugfree and very comfortable. This go-moku manager supports 34 go-moku brains of various strategy and quality. Everythink related you can find at http://gomocup.wz.cz There are new versions of brains or manager more often then every two months. regards Tomas Kubes _____________________________________________________________________ EXPECTED STRUGGLE HUMAN VERSUS COMPUTER PROGRAM The next comming event (this weekend) is expected struggle human versus computer program. The human player is winner of go-moku of tournament in Hradec Kralove (being mentioned on www.renju.nu). The computer program is winner of Gomocup 2005 so far unbeatable Goro2005 written by Victor Barykin. Goro is based on renju program BlackStone, the winner of 2nd Renju Computer World Championship (tournament and problem solving as well). regards Tomas Kubes
_____________________________________________________________________ Renju Newsletter No 18, 2005-04-23 Highlights - RESULTS FROM RENJU AND GOMOKU TOURNAMENT IN HRADEC KRALOVE, CZECH REPUBLIC - RESULTS OF KIEV OPEN TOURNAMENT 2005 _____________________________________________________________________ RESULTS FROM RENJU AND GOMOKU TOURNAMENT IN HRADEC KRALOVE, CZECH REPUBLIC Our tournament was held on 16th-17th April. On 16th April we played renju. There were 7 players in the renju tournament. Two players from Poland and five players from Czech Republic. We played 40mins/player, round robin system. Place|Name |Score|M-Buch.|Buch.|Progr. 1 |Tamiola, Artur |6 | 13.5| 18.5| 24.0 2 |Nykl, Ondra |5 | 13.5| 19.5| 18.0 3 |Neuman, Petr |4 | 14.5| 20.5| 18.0 4 |Rybka, Ales |3 | 15.5| 21.5| 14.0 5 |Lekowski, Jurek|2 | 16.5| 22.5| 5.0 6 |Taus, David |1 | 17.5| 23.5| 5.0 7 |Rippel, Jan |0 | 17.5| 24.5| 0.0 On 17th April we played gomoku. 18 players played gomoku. Other players from Poland and Czech Republic joined this tournamnet. We played 8 rounds and 20mins/player. Place|Name |Score|M-Buch.|Buch.|Progr. 1 |Nykl, Ondrej |7 | 29.0| 39.0| 32.0 2-4 |Radimsky, Michal |6 | 30.0| 41.0| 27.0 |Solinski, Dariusz |6 | 27.5| 35.5| 27.0 |Stradal, Jan |6 | 24.5| 32.5| 22.0 5 |Rybka, Ales |5 | 29.0| 38.0| 27.5 6-7 |Rezny, Pavel |4.5 | 25.0| 32.0| 24.0 |Rejsek, Jan |4.5 | 21.0| 28.0| 18.5 8-14 |Koziarek, Tomasz |4 | 28.0| 36.0| 22.0 |Sevcikova, Lucie |4 | 26.5| 34.5| 20.0 |Taus, David |4 | 23.5| 31.5| 18.0 |Rippel, Jan |4 | 23.0| 31.0| 19.0 |Neuman, Petr |4 | 22.0| 29.0| 13.0 |Vavra, Jaroslav |4 | 22.0| 27.5| 14.0 |Laube, Pavel |4 | 19.0| 26.0| 13.0 15 |Piontek, Marta |2 | 25.5| 32.5| 14.0 16-18|Czestochowska, Anna|1 | 22.0| 29.0| 6.0 |Kocab, Jiri |1 | 21.5| 28.5| 3.0 |Swiecki, Gregorz |1 | 19.0| 24.5| 4.0 Thanks to all players, who joined and played. Ales Rybka _____________________________________________________________________ RESULTS OF KIEV OPEN TOURNAMENT 2005 16-17 April the 2-nd Kiev Open Tournament took place. The level of participants was rather higher this time, so all the games were interesting and difficult. As we expected our guest from Estonia, Ants Soosyrv took the first place, and probably one of the best Ukrainian players Kolesnik and Poddubniy took the second and the third place. Congratulations to the winners and all the participants! The top 10 players: 1 Soosyrv 2 Kolesnik 3 Poddubniy 4 Sushko 5 Stefaniv 6 Drozd 7 Yakovleva 8 Vlasuk 9 Chernikov 10 Kabachinskiy More information on the www.cymru.kiev.ua/renju/eng/ Best regards Peter Vlasuk, tempus1984@mail.ru
_____________________________________________________________________ Renju Newsletter No 17, 2005-04-11 Highlights - THE GO-MOKU PROGRAMMERS TOURNAMENT _____________________________________________________________________ THE GO-MOKU PROGRAMMERS TOURNAMENT Today starts the qualification of Gomocup 2005 (The Go-moku programmers' tournament). There are even more strongers program this year. If you want to watch, read below. For detail see http://www.gomocup.wz.cz You can watch playing the qualification groups in realtime. On Tuesday, the groups will be chosen and the matches will start at 12:00 central european time. The results of single matches will be automatically being uploaded at http://www.gomocup.wz.cz/prenos.htm Tomas Kubes
_____________________________________________________________________ Renju Newsletter No 16, 2005-04-07 Highlights - TOURNAMENT IN HRADEC KRALOVE _____________________________________________________________________ TOURNAMENT IN HRADEC KRALOVE 16th April Renju 17th April Gomoku For more information, see http://www.renju.nu/tournaments/HradecKralove.gif
_____________________________________________________________________ Renju Newsletter No 15, 2005-04-05 Highlights - RESULTS OF STORA SM & LILLA SM - RENLIB AND RENJU SOLVER _____________________________________________________________________ RESULTS OF STORA SM (30.3 - 3.4) & LILLA SM (2.4 - 3.4) Two tournaments have finished this weekend in Jonkoping, Sweden: Stora SM (High League of the Swedish national championship) and Lilla SM (1st League of the Swedish national championship). The final standings are as following: Stora SM Place Name Points Coeff. 1 Stefan Karlsson (Stockholm) 7 28 2 Joachim Gaulitz (Stockholm) 7 25,5 3 Hannes Hermansson (Linkoping) 5,5 4 Peter Jonsson (Jonkoping) 5 5 Richard Sandstrom (Jonkoping) 4 17,25 6 Tord Andersson (Uppsala) 4 15 7 Goran Holgersson (Jonkoping) 3,5 14,25 8 Bjorn Eriksson (Stockholm) 3,5 13,5 9 Bjorn Lind (Stockholm) 3 10 Marcus Eriksson (Linkoping) 2,5 The first six are qualified to the Stora SM 2006. Stefan, Joachim and Hannes are also qualified directly to the Swedish Qualification to the WC 2005, stage 2 (12-16 of June). Three more players will be decided in the stage 1 (5-6 of May). Lilla SM Place Name Points Coeff. 1 Martin Carlsson (Stockholm) 8 2 Irene Karlsson (Stockholm) 7 3 Rickard Johannesson (Jonkoping) 6 44 4 Petter Lindholm (Laholm) 6 43 5 Elin Dahlin (Stockholm) 6 40 6 Tommy Maltell (Jonkoping) 5 46 7 Tomas Hagenfors (Kumla) 5 45 8 Martin Karlsson (Jonkoping) 5 40 9 Vu Quang (Jonkoping) 5 36 10 Jan Paulander (Malmo) 4 40 11 Linnea Widman (Arjeplog) 4 36 12 John Nygards (Uppsala) 3 38 13 Hans Sjostedt (Stockholm) 3 34 14 Bengt Nyberg (Linkoping) 3 31 15 Daniel Nygards (Stockholm) 2 Martin Carlsson and Irene Karlsson are qualified to the Stora SM 2006. We are very happy that the situation with renju in Sweden is much better now than last year when it was only six participants in the Lilla SM. We have got several new players who impress by their good playing. Such as Richard Sandstrom (began to play renju 2003), Bjorn Lind (2003), Petter Lindholm (the first renju tournament - January 2005), Elin Dahlin (this Lilla SM was her first renju tournament!), John and Daniel Nygards (2004). It was also fun to see some veterans in Lilla SM as: Rickard Johannesson who was one of the best Swedish players for some years ago (and hopefully will become it again :-)) Tommy Maltell who was the one who introduced renju in Sweden and also known as the former president of RIF. Tomas Hagenfors who together with Tommy was one of the first Swedish renju players. I personally was very impressed by Irene Karlsson's playing. She has shown secure and efficient style. In the game against Rickard Johannesson she won with only a couple of seconds left to the end. Rickard tried very much to delay the end by several fours. A big public stood around and couldn't keep from laughing at Rickards tries to play on Irene's nerves. But Irene stayed cool and won. Sincerely Yours, Olga Skuridina, referee _____________________________________________________________________ RENLIB AND RENJU SOLVER RenLib version 3.5 has, among other functions: - VCF and VCT function from Renju Solver by Xiangdong Wen Free download: http://www.renju.nu/renlib/
_____________________________________________________________________ Renju Newsletter No 14, 2005-04-03 Highlights - CZECH OPEN 2005 - RENJU IN KOREA TV _____________________________________________________________________ CZECH OPEN 2005 2nd Open Championship of the Czech Republic in renju and gomoku part of the 16th International Festival of Chess, Bridge and Games 15.-17.7. 2005, Pardubice, Czech Republic Organizer: AVE-KONTAKT s.r.o. in cooperation with Czech renju federation Festival director: Ales Rybka Open Championship of the Czech Republic in renju - participation of players without age and performance limitations - 6 rounds by Swiss system - it is played according to renju rules (http://www.piskvorky.cz/?kat=2&yd=31) - rating 2 x 60 min. - financial prizes 1. - 1 500 CZK, 2. - 1 000 CZK, 3. 500 CZK - material prizes - starting fee 4 EUR - playing schedule: Friday 15. 7. 15:30 - 16:00 registration and accommodation of players Friday 15. 7. 16:00 - 21:00 1. a 2. round Saturday 16. 7. 08:30 - 18:30 3. - 6. round Saturday 16. 7. 19:00 winners and prizes announcement (time schedule is approximate, playing system and number of rounds should be modified according to number of participants) Open Championship of the Czech Republic in gomoku - participation of players without age and performance limitations - 8 rounds by Swiss system - it is played according to gomoku rules (http://www.piskvorky.cz/index.php?kat=2&special=clanek&id=80) - rating 2 x 20 min. - material prizes - starting fee 2 EUR - playing schedule: Sunday 17. 7. 08:30 - 09:00 registration Sunday 17. 7. 09:30 - 15:30 1. - 8. round Sunday 17. 7. 17:30 winners and prizes announcement (time schedule is approximate, playing system and number of rounds should be modified according to number of participants) Late registrations: Players registered after 15.6. 2005 will pay additional fee in the amount of 20% of the starting fee Place of registration, accommodation, playing halls, presentation of results: Duhova arena, Sukova trida 1775, Pardubice, connection from the railway station by trolleybus No. 3 and 4 and by bus No. 16 and 17 (4th stop). Refreshments: in Duhova arena, special festival menu at the Kavarna Evropa Accommodation: University of Pardubice Dormitory * garni (at a distance of 1 km from Duhova arena) 2,3-bed rooms - WC and shower shared for 1 floor, price 5,5 EUR/bed and night University of Pardubice Hostel ** garni (at a distance of 1 km from Duhova arena) 4-bed rooms with own WC, shower and kitchenette, price 9 EUR/bed and night, 1 unoccupied bed is not charged Kristl Hotel ** garni (at a distance of 1,5 km from Duhova arena) 2-bed rooms with WC and shower for 2 rooms, price including breakfast 27 EUR/room and night Guest-houses and smaller hotels *** (at a distance of 500m - 2km from Duhova arena) 2-bed rooms with own WC and a shower, price including breakfast from 35 EUR to 48 EUR/room and night, if only 1 person occupies the room, from 30 EUR to 45 EUR/room and night is charged Hotel Labe *** (at a distance of 200 m from Duhova arena) 2-bed rooms with own WC and shower, price including breakfast 48 EUR/room and night, if only 1 person occupies the room, 45 EUR/room and night is charged Discount system in selected shops and facilities: for all participants and accompanying people discount system for selected shops and restaurants will be established again Starting fee and accommodation payments will be collected during the registration in cash in EUR, CZK or USD or by means of debit and credit cards: Eurocard/Master Card, VISA, American Express, JCB or Diners Club (VISA Electron and Maestro cards will not be accepted). More detailed information regarding individual tournaments, up-to-date information on unoccupied accommodation capacities, list of other accommodation possibilities, current number of registrations, other games tournaments regulations and further information can be found at the internet festival pages http://www.czechopen.net. Obligatory applications together with accommodation orders should be sent by 15th June 2005 to the following address: AVE-KONTAKT s.r.o., Sukova 1556, 530 02 Pardubice, Czech Republic, tel./fax + 420 - 466 535 200, e-mail: j.mazuch@avekont.cz Ales Rybka ____________________________________________________________________ RENJU IN KOREA TV On the 26:th of February there was a program about Renju (Omok in Korean language) on one of the biggest TV-Channels in Korea. The program about Renju was a part of a popular weekly show. The persons that can be seen in the show is Mr. Kim (The Chairman of Korean Renju) and Mr. Park (Who is probably the best player in Korea at the moment) and Anders Henningsson, Vice President in RIF. Please try the below link to see the program. http://www.komok.co.kr/hangame/30omok_SpongeE69s_omok_vod.wmv With Best Regards Anders Henningsson
_____________________________________________________________________ Renju Newsletter No 13, 2005-03-29 Highlights - RESULT OF NIHZNY NOVGOROD OPEN TOURNAMENT - RESULT OF INTERNATIONAL POLISH CHAMPIONSHIP IN RENJU _____________________________________________________________________ RESULT OF NIHZNY NOVGOROD OPEN TOURNAMENT The traditional Nihzny Novgorod open tournament was held 11-13 of March. 30 players, McMahgon system with 3 groups (dan-players started with 2 points, 1-7 kju players – 1 point, and 8-10 kju players – 0 point), 8 rounds. Top 7 are: 1. Sergey Artemjev (S-Petersburg) 9,5 2. Mikhail Kozhin (Dubna) 9 3. Vladislav Kareev (N.Novgorod) 8 4. Victor Golosov (Moscow) 7 5. Vladimir Filinov (S-Petersburg) 6 6. Maxim Karasjov (N.Novgorod) 5,5 7. Roman Berezin (N.Novgorod) 5,5 Alexey Skuridin ____________________________________________________________________ RESULT OF INTERNATIONAL POLISH CHAMPIONSHIP IN RENJU 19-20 MARCH 2005 Miedzynarodowe Mistrzostwa Polski w RENJU Tabela koncowa M Zawodnik Kraj Pkt Sr-Buch. Buch. Progr. 1 Meritee, Ando EST 11 62.5 78.5 66.0 2 Taimla, Tunnet EST 10 63.5 78.5 59.0 3 Soosyrv, Ants EST 8.5 61.0 77.0 52.5 4 Lents, Johann EST 7.5 61.0 76.0 46.5 5 Oll, Aivo EST 7.5 58.5 73.5 47.0 6 Ilu, Timo EST 7 59.5 75.0 48.0 7 Karlsson, Stefan SWE 7 54.5 69.5 43.0 8 Purk, Andry EST 7 54.5 69.0 45.0 9 Demjan, Attila HUN 7 52.5 64.5 42.0 10 Klepacki, Kacper POL 7 50.0 61.5 37.5 11 Niedbalec, Marcin POL 6.5 53.0 63.0 34.0 12 Jonsson, Peter SWE 6.5 50.0 63.5 39.5 13 Kiszely, Akos HUN 6.5 50.0 61.5 36.5 14 Ikonen, Jussi FIN 6.5 49.5 62.0 36.5 15 Nowakowski, Maciej POL 6 62.5 78.5 42.0 16 Nykl, Ondra CZE 6 59.0 71.5 43.0 17 Neuman, Petr CZE 6 57.0 71.5 40.0 18 Rybka, Ales CZE 6 53.5 64.5 40.0 19 Kolesnik, Vladimir UKR 6 49.0 63.5 34.0 20 Lekowski, Jerzy POL 6 48.0 62.5 32.0 21 Gondek, Grzegorz POL 6 48.0 58.0 27.0 22 Piddubny, Konstantin UKR 6 43.0 52.5 30.0 23 Swider, Krzysztof POL 6 41.0 49.5 25.0 24 Koziarek, Tomasz POL 5.5 51.5 63.0 35.5 25 Malowiejski, Piotr POL 5.5 50.5 61.0 33.0 26 Tamiola, Artur POL 5 55.0 66.0 35.0 27 Gruca, Marcin POL 5 55.0 65.0 39.0 28 Karlsson, Irene EST 5 49.5 59.0 30.0 29 Gurckis, Gatis LAT 5 47.5 58.0 29.0 30 Sulane, Sander EST 5 45.0 57.0 29.0 31 Papinski, Maciej POL 5 40.0 48.0 31.0 32 Nemeth, Akos HUN 5 36.5 44.0 18.0 33 Sobon, Karol POL 4 52.5 63.5 35.0 34 Jopek, Lukasz POL 4 51.5 61.5 29.0 35 Timmermann, Alvar EST 4 46.0 55.5 22.0 36 Kaljuste, Ergo EST 4 44.0 53.5 26.0 37 Gorzecki, Marek POL 4 43.5 55.0 21.0 38 Kolk, Kaia EST 4 43.5 53.0 21.0 39 Kaljuste, Eleri EST 4 41.0 49.5 23.0 40 Sepman, Siim EST 4 39.5 47.0 28.0 41 Leszczynski, Michal POL 4 38.0 45.5 13.0 42 Godlewski, Filip POL 3.5 34.5 41.5 19.5 43 Leis, Martin EST 3 45.5 55.0 19.0 44 Kuusk, Mark EST 3 39.0 48.5 21.0 45 Kikkas, Chrislyn EST 2 42.0 52.0 15.0 Milosz Olborski
_____________________________________________________________________ Renju Newsletter No 12, 2005-03-03 Highlights - TOURNAMENT IN ZHOLTYE VODY, UKRAINE _____________________________________________________________________ TOURNAMENT IN ZHOLTYE VODY, UKRAINE "Strategia" Institute Open Championship was held in Zholtye Vody, Ukraine 19-20th of February. The tournament was played in double Round Robin system and the final standings are as following: Place Name Town Points 1-2 Konstantin Piddubny Zholtye Vody 19 1-2 Vladimir Kolesnik Odessa 19 3-4 Pyotr Vlasyuk Kiev 14 3-4 Maxim Kabachinsky Hmelnitsky 14 5 Yevgeny Porhachev Krivoy Rog 11,5 6 Ilya Ovcharenko Krivoy Rog 9 7 Timofey Smirnov Krivoy Rog 8 8 Alexandr Piddubny Zholtye Vody 5 9 Mikhail Vovchenko Zholtye Vody 4,5 10-11 Artyom Aliyev Zholtye Vody 2 10-11 Vasily Ivanchenko Alexandria 2 Places 1-2, 3-4 and 10-11 were shared because of ALLl equal coefficients! Konstantin Piddubny cyber@strategy.edu.ua
_____________________________________________________________________ Renju Newsletter No 11, 2005-03-02 Highlights - RESULTS OF THE 13TH OPEN CHAMPIONSHIP OF RUSSIA _____________________________________________________________________ RESULTS OF THE 13TH OPEN CHAMPIONSHIP OF RUSSIA From 19 to 27 of February in a place Kolontaevo (near Moscow) High League tournament of the 13-th Open Championship of Russia has been held. 16 participants played in a Round-Robin tournament. Unusally for previous years all 16, who got the right to play, came and nobody has refused. That betokened a strong interesting fighting. And the tournament really was very interesting and unpredictable. For the first time first place was won by a girl! Congratulations to Yulia Savrasova, who added to her title of the World Champion among women also a title of absolute Russian Champion! And she also gets the right to represent Russia in AT at the coming World Championship! Great result! Final standings of participants: 1. Yulia Savrasova (Podyuga) 12.5 2. Sergej Artemyev (St.Petersburg) 12 3. Pavel Salnikov (St.Petersburg) 11 4. Konstantin Chingin (Dolgoprudny) 10.5 5. Vladislav Kareyev (N.Novgorod) 10.5 6. Pavel Vershinin (Vologda) 9 ------------------------------------------- 7. Alexandr Klimashin (St.Petersburg) 8.5 8. Konstantin Nikonov (Electrostal) 8 9. Sergej Volkov (Rybinsk) 8 10. Viktor Balabhai (St.Petersburg) 6.5 11. Alexandr Mikhajlov (Moscow) 6 12. Denis Nekrasov (Podyuga) 5.5 13. Roman Berezin (N.Novgorod) 4.5 14. Oleg Nokhrin (Chelyabinsk) 3.5 15. Karen Sirategyan (Moscow) 2.5 16. Nonna Salnikova (St.Petersburg) 1.5 Top 6 players get the right to play in the High League tournament of the 14-th Russian Championship next year. Friendly yours, Pavel Salnikov
_____________________________________________________________________ Renju Newsletter No 10, 2005-02-28 Highlights - BALTIC LEAGUE IN STOCKHOLM 26-27 FEB 2005 - RESULTS FROM 25 OPEN CHAMPIONSHIP TYUMEN OF GOMOKU MEN - KIEV OPEN TOURNAMENT 2005 _____________________________________________________________________ BALTIC LEAGUE IN STOCKHOLM 26-27 FEB 2005, A TOURNAMENT WITHIN NORDIC RENJU CUP The tournament was the first of three in Nordic Renju Cup (NRC) 2005. The other two will be Helsinki Open and Tallinn Open, both in autumn. Special for NRC tournaments are that new opening rules are tested. In this tournament we used the "Sakata" opening rule: 1. The first player chooses one of the 26 possible openings with the three first stones. 2. The second player puts one white- and one black stone within the 7x7 centre square. 3. The first player chooses colour. Baltic League 2005 was won by Timo Ilu, who before the last round had 6 points from 6 possible. Pl. Name Town Country GP BC SB NRC 1. Timo Ilu Tallinn Estonia 6,5 25 2. Ants Soosõrv Tallinn Estonia 5 28 19,25 20 3. Aivo Oll Tallinn Estonia 5 28 17,75 15 4. Stefan Karlsson Stockholm Sweden 4,5 29 12 5. Gatis Gurckis Riga Latvia 4,5 25 11 6. Peter Jonsson Huskvarna Sweden 4,5 23.5 10 7. Olga Skuridina-Jonsson Huskvarna Russia 4 32.5 9 8. Tord Andersson Uppsala Sweden 4 29 8 9. Andry Purk Tallinn Estonia 4 27.5 7 10. Jussi Ikonen Helsinki Finland 4 23 6 11. Martin Carlsson Stockholm Sweden 3 28 5 12. Björn Eriksson Stockholm Sweden 3 26.5 4 13. Dacke Nylitz Stockholm Sweden 3 22.5 7 JG 1.5 DN 1.5 14. Björn Lind Stockholm Sweden 3 22.5 5.5 2 15. Jari Ikonen Helsinki Finland 3 21.5 1 16. Irene Karlsson Stockholm Estonia 3 20.5 17. Hans Sjöstedt Stockholm Sweden 3 19 18. Joel Hallkvist Korsberga Sweden 2 19. Marje Mets Tallinn Estonia 1 GP = Game Points BC = Buchgolz Coefficient SB = Berger Coefficient NRC = Nordic Renju Cup points Stockholm the 27th of February 2005, Stefan Karlsson Tournament Director _____________________________________________________________________ RESULTS FROM 25 OPEN CHAMPIONSHIP TYUMEN OF GOMOKU MEN HIGH LEAGUE PLAYED IN RUSSIA' TYUMEN. On 27. FEBRUARY Men. 11 players took part. 7 rounds was played. The Swiss system. 1. Pushkarev Dmitry 6,5 point 2. Lomakin Mikhail 5,5 3. Saranchin Alexander 4,5 4. Litvinenko Lyudmila 4 5. Rychkov Igor 4 6. Prokopjev Alekhander 4 7. Tonofa Maksim 3,5 8. Kocherovsky Vadim 3 9. Grigorenko Sergey 3 10. Misernjuk Oleg 2 11. Zhlyudov Mikhail 1 It is significant tournament. Exactly 20 years back in Tyumen have passed the first championship on gomoku. 32 sportsmen have taken part in the anniversary championship. Among them and 4 participants of the first championship of Tyumen 1985. The very first champion of Tyumen the author, letters Alexander Saranchin was. And most Michael Lomakin 13 has champion titles. At present champion Tyumen Dmitry Pushkareva is 3 champion title. Saranchin Alexander, The Maneger of The Renju Association of Tyumen region (ARTO) _____________________________________________________________________ KIEV OPEN TOURNAMENT 2005 On April 16-17 2005 Kiev Renju Club will make the Kiev Open Tournament that would take place in Kiev KPI. This tournament will be one of the biggest and representative in Ukraine. The official site where you can find information about tournament is site of Kiev Renju Club http://www.cymru.kiev.ua/renju/. If you want to participate send your application on tempus1984@mail.ru or leave it on forum on the site. Best Regards, Peter Vlasuk tempus1984@mail.ru Chief of Kiev Renju Club
_____________________________________________________________________ Renju Newsletter No 9, 2005-02-13 Highlights - RESULTS FROM GOMOKU CHAMPIONSHIPS OF TYUMEN _____________________________________________________________________ RESULTS FROM GOMOKU CHAMPIONSHIPS OF TYUMEN 20TH CHAMPIONSHIP TYUMEN OF GOMOKU WOMEN, PLAYED IN RUSSIA, TYUMEN ON 12-13. FEBRUARY Women. 12 players took part. 7 rounds was played. The Swiss system. 1. Litvinenko Lyudmila 7 point 6 dan 2. Kovalenko Marina 6 point 5 dan 3. Melnik Anastasia 5 6 kyu 4. Yuomachikova Nadia 4 8 kyu 5. Karimova Dinara 3 7 kyu 6. Melnik Lidia 3 7 kyu 7. Dvoeglasova Alena 3 8 kyu 8. Lomakina Olga 3 2 kyu 9. Karimiva Yelvira 3 9 kyu 10. Karimova Alsu 2 11. Litvinenko Polina 2 12. Kovalenko Katja 0 25TH OPEN CHAMPIONSHIP TYUMEN OF GOMOKU MEN, PLAYED IN RUSSIA, TYUMEN ON 12-13. FEBRUARY Men. 16 players took part. 7 rounds was played. The Swiss system. 1. Tonofa Maksim 5,5 point 2 dan 2. Grigorenko Sergey 5 4 dan 3. Kocherovsky Vadim 5 5 dan 4. Rychkov Igor 5 1 dan 5. Zhlyudov Mikhail 4,5 4 dan 6. Misernjuk Oleg Tyum reg 4 4 dan 7. Subchenko Andrey Tyum reg 4 3 dan 8. Panchenko Alexey 4 2 dan 9. Belosludcev Roman Tyum reg 3 6 kyu 10. Prjanishnikov Georgy Tyum reg 3 9 kyu 11. Belosludcev Vladimir Tyum reg 3 9 kyu 12. Beshancev Vasily Tyum reg 2 6 kyu 13. Semenov Evgeny Tyum reg 2 14. Dzimopulos Georg Grecee 2 8 kyu 15. Marchenko Yevgeny Tyum reg 2 8 kyu 16. Lantyuh Anton Tyum reg 2 16 strongest players gomoku Tyumen will challenge a rank of the strongest at the end of February in the High league. (Group of Masters) Main Referi Alexander Saranchin Saranchin Alexander, The Manager of The Renju Association of Tyumen region (ARTO)
_____________________________________________________________________ Renju Newsletter No 8, 2005-02-13 Highlights - RENJU AND GOMOKU TOURNAMENTS, WARSAW, POLAND _____________________________________________________________________ RENJU AND GOMOKU TOURNAMENTS, WARSAW, POLAND - International Polish Championship in Renju 19-20 March 2005 - Gomoku Tournament Saturday 19 march 2005 We would very much like to invite you to the International Renju Poland Championship and International Gomoku Tournament. What we can guarantee is tons of positive emotions, unforgetable games and lots of fun. We are expecting over a hundred players from at least six countries. The three times world renju champion Ando Meritee is going to show up as well Tunnet Taimla, current renju champion (both Estonian) and many other wonderful players including the president of RIF Peter Jonsson and Stefan Karlsson (both Sweden). The organizers will provide help with finding the place to sleep. If you have any questions please contact us. Read more at http://www.renju.pl/grp/turnieje/4w/4w_en.html Best Regards, Maciej Nowakowski, Member of the Board of the Polish Renju Association
_____________________________________________________________________ Renju Newsletter No 7, 2005-02-13 Highlights - RESULTS OF ESTONIAN QT TO WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP, 2. STAGE _____________________________________________________________________ RESULTS OF ESTONIAN QT TO WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP, 2. STAGE played February 12.-13. 1. Timo Ilu 7 2. Johann Lents 5,5 3. Aivo Oll 5 4. Andry Purk 4,5 5. Rauni Lillemets 3 ------------------------------------------- 6. Alvar Timmermann 2 7. Tauri Purk 1 8. Marilii Saar 0 Five best from this tournament together with Ando Meritee will play 3. stage - double Round Robin. Games will be played from February 19. till April 3. Estonia has 1 place in WC final and 3 in international QT. Tunnet Taimla has personal place in WC final and Johann Lents personal place in international QT Friendly, Ants
_____________________________________________________________________ Renju Newsletter No 6, 2005-02-05 Highlights - RENJU AND GOMOKU TOURNAMENTS, WARSAW, POLAND _____________________________________________________________________ RENJU AND GOMOKU TOURNAMENTS, WARSAW, POLAND - International Polish Championship in Renju 19-20 March 2005 - Gomoku Tournament Saturday 19 march 2005 Read more at http://www.renju.pl/grp/turnieje/4w/4w_en.html
_____________________________________________________________________ Renju Newsletter No 5, 2005-01-31 Highlights - PRELIMINARY INFORMATION ABOUT THE NINTH WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP _____________________________________________________________________ PRELIMINARY INFORMATION ABOUT THE NINTH WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP The Ninth World Championship will held in Estonian Business School, Lauteri 3, in Tallinn (Estonia), July 29. - August 7. There will be 4 tournaments: Qualification tournament (QT), A- tournament (final - AT), Women tournament (WT) and B-tournament (BT). There will be no tournament fee in QT, AT and WT. Tournament fee for players of BT is 25 EUR. Tournament director is Ants Soosyrv. Main referee is Bjorn Wallgren (Sweden) Registration to World Championhip. Please send us following data: 1. Name, sex, date of birth, country 2. Address, Phone, E-mail 3. Occupation 4. Renju Dan - Kyu If You need Eestonian visa, please add : 5. Place of birth, former names 6. Passport number, issuing country of Your passport, citizenship Please send us these datas before May 15. Quickest way to contact with us is to send message to cell phone. If you send e-mail we will try to answer during few days. So, our contacts are: Ando Meritee - +372 51 63114, kullo@neti.ee Ants Soosyrv - + 372 56 69 73 82, asoosyrv@hotmail.com, Ants.Soosyrv@mail.ee Preliminary time-table July 28. - Day of Arrival July 29. start of QT (qualification tournament) 8.30 - Referee information and lotting for QT 9.00 - 12.00 1. round 13.00 - 16.00 2. round 17.00 - 20.00 3. round July 30. 9.00 - 12.00 4. round 13.00 - 16.00 5. round 17.00 - 20.00 6. round July 31. 9.00 - 12.00 7. round 19.00 - Opening Ceremony August 1. 9.00 - 14.30 1. round of AT and WT 9.15 - 13.30 1. round of BT 14.30 - 18.45 2. round of BT 16.00 - 21.30 2. round of AT and WT August 2. 9.00 - 14.30 3. round of AT and WT 9.15 - 13.30 3. round of BT 14.30 - 18.45 4. round of BT 16.00 - 21.30 4. round of AT and WT August 3. 9.00 - 14.30 5. round of AT and WT 9.15 - 13.30 5. round of BT 14.30 - 18.45 6. round of BT 16.00 - 21.30 6. round of AT and WT August 4. 9.00 - 14.30 7. round of AT and WT 9.15 - 13.30 7. round of BT 16.00 - 19.00 Blitz tournament 16.30 - RIF meeting August 5. 9.00 - 14.30 8. round of AT and WT 9.15 - 13.30 8. round of BT 14.30 - 18.45 9. round of BT 16.00 - 21.30 9. round of AT and WT August 6. 9.00 - 14.30 10. round of AT and WT August 7. 9.00 - 14.30 11. round of AT and WT 18.00 - Closing Ceremony Accomodation In summertime its very hard to find free places in hotels and hostel of Tallinn, so You should ask about Your accomodation as early as possible, especially, if You wish to live in some hotel chosen by Your own. Here is link to find some hotels or hostels in Tallinn - http://www.neti.ee/cgi-bin/teema/ARI/Turism/Hotellid/ For people who need cheap living conditions, but with quite good quality have we 2 variants. Guest house "Paasu" and hostel "Merevaik" (both in same building). Problem is that during dates July 28.-July 30. we have only 34 places in these hostels. So we will try to find other cheap possibilities as well. From July 31. till August 8. we have probably enough big number of places - 120, so we booked all places in these hostels. Guest house "Paasu" prices for renjuplayers are (breakfast is included into price): room for single - 355 EEK (1 euro = 15,6466 EEK) room for double - 445 EEK room for 3 persons - 545 EEK room for 4 persons - 655 EEK More information about "Paasu" You can find : http://www.paasu.ee/
Prices in hostel "Merevaik" for renjuplayers are not known yet, but these will be a bit cheaper, than in "Paasu" More information about "Merevaik" - www.hostelmerevaik.ee
We will organise transport from hostel to Tournament hall and back (way is about 4 km) We don’t have special homepage about World Championship yet. It will come later. At the moment information in English about World Championship is avaiable in page of Estonian Renju Union – www.renju.ee If You go there please choose link Championships. Direct link is http://renju.ee/index.php?page=suurturniir
Ants Soosyrv - + 372 56 69 73 82, asoosyrv@hotmail.com, Ants.Soosyrv@mail.ee Friendly, Ants
_____________________________________________________________________ Renju Newsletter No 4, 2005-01-30 Highlights - OPEN RUSSIAN CHAMPIONSHIP IN GOMOKU. OPEN CUB OF SIBERIA IN RENJU. _____________________________________________________________________ OPEN RUSSIAN CHAMPIONSHIP IN GOMOKU. OPEN CUB OF SIBERIA IN RENJU. Russian Renju and Gomoku Federation will organize the Open Russian Championship in gomoku among men and women on May, 6-9, 2005 in Tyumen. Tournament will be carried out with "gambler" rules: 1st black stone - in the center of a board, then white stone - in the central 5x5 square, and choose of color after 3 moves. Competitions will be played in 2 stages. 1st stage - May, 7-8 - 1st League, Swiss System in 9 rounds. Time control is 40 minutes for all the game. 1-6 places receive the right of participation in the High League. 2nd stage - May, 9-10 - High League, Round-Robin System, 12 participants. Time control is also 40 minutes for all the game. Day of arrival is May, 6. Opening Ceremony will be held on May, 6 at 19-00. Competitions are to be played in the City Chess Club. The strongest Russian sportsmen will participate in the tournament. Foreign participants are welcome! Open cup of Siberia in renju, on May, 9-10. 7 rounds on the Swiss system. Time control is 60 minutes for all the game. For the participants who are not acting in the High league. We ask all participants to send applications till April, 1. Contact information: e-mail ar.to@mail.ru, tel.(3452)452770, (3452)452702, Alex Saranchin. Saranchin Alexander, The Manager of The Russian Renju and Gomoku Federation
_____________________________________________________________________ Renju Newsletter No 3, 2005-01-26 Highlights - RESULTS OF "8TH MIKAMI MEMORIAL TOURNAMENT" IN JAPAN _____________________________________________________________________ RESULTS OF "8TH MIKAMI MEMORIAL TOURNAMENT" IN JAPAN Played January 23. This tournament had been held in memory of Mr. Mikami, who was a former president of Nihon Renju-Sha since 8 years before. We introduced Yamaguchi-rule only A-CLASS for the first time. We felt it had lots of opening pattern appeared and more attractives by Yamaguchi-rule. A-CLASS(more than 5 dan) 1. Norihiko Kawamura 9 dan 4-0 2. Yoshihiro Iio 7 dan 2-1-1 3. Makoto Yamaguchi 9 dan 2-2 Ishitani Shin-ichi 8 dan 2-2 Masao Mitsumori 9 dan 2-2 6. Taizan Isobe 9 dan 1-2-1 7. Junzo Miyagawa 6 dan 1-3 8. Izumi Kubo 5 dan 1-3 B-CLASS(1dan~4dan) 1. Yoshiyuki Itami 1 dan 4-0-1 2. Takayuki Ono 3 dan 4-1 3. Noriaki Nagao 3 dan 4-1 4. Jun Koyama 2 dan 3-1-1 5. Takuma Satou 4 dan 3-1-1 6. Natsuhiko Nagumo 3 dan 3-2 7. Fumio Iwano 1 dan 3-2 8. Nobuyoshi Arita 4 dan 2-2-1 9. Yasuhiro Katou 4 dan 2-2-1 10. Teruo Matsuoka 1 dan 2-3 11. Kiyotomi Satou 4 dan 2-3 12. Miyu Sasaki 1 dan 2-3 13. Tatsuya Watanabe 1 dan 2-3 14. Masatoshi Ishizaki 1 dan 2-3 15. Masao Hara 3 dan 1-3-1 16. Housai Tadokoro 4 dan 1-4 17. Mituo Omata 1 dan 1-4 18. Hisao Usuki 3 dan 1-1 Norihiko Kawamura
_____________________________________________________________________ Renju Newsletter No 2, 2005-01-23 Highlights - RESULTS OF 1ST STAGE OF ESTONIAN QUALIFICATION TO WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP _____________________________________________________________________ RESULTS OF 1ST STAGE OF ESTONIAN QUALIFICATION TO WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP Played January 22. (7 rounds Swiss) 1. Andry Purk 7 2. Mikk Oblikas 6 3. Alvar Timmermann 5 4. Tauri Purk 4 (31) _____________________________ 5. Rauni Lillemets 4 (30) 6. Glen Liventaal 4 (28) 7. Peeter Kolk 4 (27) 8.-9. Ats Malksoo 4 (19) 8.-9. Ergo Kaljuste 4 (19) 10. Tiina Klooster 3 (26) 11. Mart Kullamaa 3 (25) 12. Peeter Tamm 3 (24) 13. Eleri Kaljuste 3 (22) 14. Paul Valjataga 3 (20) 15. Siim Sepman 2 (27) 16.-17. Krisper Nylve 2 (23) 16.-17. Marilii Saar 2 (23) 4 best got right to play in second stage (February 12.-13.) together with Johann Lents, Timo Ilu, Aivo Oll and our special Finnish guest Samuli Saarenpaa. Ando Meritee will join last, 3rd stage. Friendly, Ants
_____________________________________________________________________ Renju Newsletter No 1, 2005-01-18 Highlights - RESULTS FROM CUB TYUMEN OF RENJU _____________________________________________________________________ RESULTS FROM CUB TYUMEN OF RENJU PLAYED IN RUSSIA' TYUMEN. 1 round On 25-26. December Cub Tyumen of renju 1. Saranchin Alexander XX 11 11 01 01 ++ 8 pt 1-2 Place 2. Pushkarev Dmitry 00 XX 11 00 00 ++ 4 4 3. Devjatkova Ekaterina 00 00 XX 01 00 00 1 6 4. Litvinenko Alexander 10 11 10 XX 10 11 7 3 5. Prokopjev Alexander 10 11 11 01 XX ++ 8 1-2 6. Lomakin Mihkail -- -- 11 00 - XX 2 5 1-2 Place Saranchin A - Prokopjev A 1-0 PLAYED IN RUSSIA' TYUMEN. 2 round On 7. January, 2005 Cup Tyumen of gomoku. Men.14 players took part. 13 rounds was played. 1. Litvilenenko Alexander 10 point Berg 49 2. Lomakin Mihkail 10 pt Berg 46 3. Saranchin Alexander 9 pt 4. Pushkarev Dmitry 8 pt 5. Nikolaev Oleg 7 pt 6. Kovalenko Marina 6 pt 7. Kvitov Nikolay 5 pt 8. Beshanzev Vasiliy 3 pt Berg 10 9. Beloslydzev Roman 3 pt 5 10. Nikolaev Sergey 3 pt 5 11. Prjanishnikov Georgy 1 pt 3 12. Smirnov Vasily 1 pt 1 Women 1. Devjatkova Ekaterina 10 point 2. Lomakina Olga 7 pt 3. Melnik Anastasia 5 pt 4. Karimova Dinara 4 pt 19 5. Melnik Lidia 4 pt 19 6. Kovalenko Katja 0 pt Main Referi Alexander Saranchin Saranchin Alexander, The Maneger of The Renju Association of Tyumen region (ARTO)
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