
Sushko Yury - Ikonen Jussi  0 : 1
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JussiMonday 27th of November 2006 05:16:43 PM
• Yury opened D3.
• First 12 moves were expected, but I suspected he would play 13-h6.
• Until move 17 all moves are fairly justified. I felt I had gained some advantage, but I felt it would take me a lot of effort to find a good plan enough to win.
• After a long thought I decided to play 18-e7. Maybe it is already enough for a win. (?)
• 20-d6 was just to clear some space for the left side and by 22-f11 black was already in a bigger trouble.
• Before playing 24-c10 I tried again to think hard. It seems as such a move I would not normally play. This helped me to decide in favor to make the move (neither did I see any way for black to defend). Maybe someone proves me wrong someday. :P

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