
Shen Yi - Lents Johann  1 : 0
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Ando MeriteeSaturday 22nd of July 2006 06:51:05 AM
It was a very unlucky game for Johann Lents. Probably, he had not had enough rest after long flight to Shanghai. Also, the time difference can make players very sleepy during games. The 40th move is an evidence of tiredness, nothing else. In serious competition, having rested, he would never miss such VCF threat of blacks.

Perhaps he would not have gotten himself into such trap situations, if he had chosen safer 18th move, for example 18-h5. After that white can slowly build its attack without giving blacks the chance for counter-attacks.
dongfujiaSaturday 22nd of July 2006 11:56:20 PM
what i can say is "it is a pity", easy vcf ,but missed:(

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